With reference to ancient India, consider the following statements:

1. The concept of Stupa is Buddhist in origin.

2. Stupa was generally a repository of relics.

3. Stupa was a votive and structure in commemorative Buddhist tradition. How many of the statements given above are correct?

(a) Only one

(b) Only two

(c) All three

(d) None


  1. The concept of Stupa is Buddhist in origin: This statement is incorrect. Stupas are believed to have originated as pre-Buddhist tumuli in which śramaṇas were buried. This suggests that the concept of the stupa predates Buddhism.
  2. Stupa was generally a repository of relics: This statement is correct. Stupas were commonly constructed to enshrine relics of the Buddha or other revered Buddhist figures. Relics were often placed in a small chamber or casket within the stupa.
  3. Stupa was a votive and structure in commemorative Buddhist tradition: This statement is also correct. Stupas were constructed as votive offerings by Buddhist devotees as an act of religious devotion and to commemorate important events, teachings, or individuals associated with Buddhism.

Therefore, Only two statements are correct.

Reflection in IAS EXPRESS

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