Global Gender Gap Report 2023

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2023 Global Gender Gap Report released.


  • 17th edition of report tracking gender gap situation across 146 countries.


  • Global gender gap score- 68.4%. This is a 0.3 percentage point improvement since last year.
  • At the current progress rate, it would take 131 years to achieve full gender parity.
  • While the score has recovered to pre-pandemic levels, the overall rate of change has slowed down.
  • No country is yet to achieve full gender parity.
  • Country-wise performance:
    • The top 9 countries have closed at least 80% of their gender gap.
    • The top performer is Iceland for the 14th time, having closed 91.2% of their gap. It is the only country to have closed >90% of its gender gap.
    • India:
      • Ranked at 27th spot- an improvement of 8 positions since last year.
      • The score has improved by 1.4 percentage points and closed its gender gap by 64.3%.
      • Parity has been achieved with regards to enrolment in all levels of education.
      • There has been improvement with regards to:
        • Parity in wages and income
        • Political empowerment- 25.3% parity- with women representing 15.1% of parliamentarians (highest since the report started being published)
        • Sex ratio at birth has improved by 1.9 percentage points
      • However, it has closed only 36.7 % with regards to economic participation and opportunity.
      • There has been a slight decline in the share of women in senior positions and technical roles.
      • India, like China, Vietnam and Azerbaijan, the low rankings under the Health and Survival parameter is because of the skewed sex ratios at birth.
    • India’s neighbours:
      • Southern Asian region- 63.4% gender parity, which is the 2nd lowest of the 8 regions. This is 1.1 percentage point increase since last year.
      • Bangladesh 59th rank
      • Bhutan 103rd rank
      • China 107th rank
      • Sri Lanka 115th rank
      • Nepal 116th rank
      • Pakistan 142nd rank


  • Makes use of Global Gender Gap Index, a scale between 0 and 100- with the score to be interpreted as distance covered towards gender parity.
  • The report benchmarks evolution of gender parity across 4 dimensions:
    • Economic Participation and Opportunity
    • Educational Attainment
    • Health and Survival
    • Political Empowerment


  • Released by the World Economic Forum.


  • Since 2006.

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