Bastille Day

Bastille Day
Also known as 
Fête Nationale Française 
French National Day
Marks fall of Bastille
Bastille: Military fortress and political prison
Symbol of monarchy and armoury
First victory against 'Ancien Régime' (Old Regime)
Marks the beginning of French Revolution
Celebrated on July 14th
Anniversary of the storming of Bastille in 1789
25 years of Strategic Partnership between India and France in 2023
Indian soldiers in WWI
More than 1.3 million Indian soldiers
Fought on French soil
Indian soldiers in WWII
2.5 million Indian soldiers
Punjab Regiment in 2023 Bastille Day Parade
One of the oldest Regiments of the Indian Army
Noted for participation in both World Wars
Role in offensive near Neuve Chapelle in 1915
Earned battle honours 'Loos' and 'France and Flanders'
Rajputana Rifles Regiment Band accompanying the contingent
Senior most rifle regiment of the Indian Army
Known for role in both World Wars

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