Silver Cockscomb

Silver Cockscomb
Use by Soligas
As a leafy green vegetable
Indigenous tribe of Karnataka
Known as 'the children of bamboo'
Known for traditional knowledge of ecology
Botanical name: Celosia argentea
Also known as Lagos spinach
Local names
In Karnataka: Anne soppu
In Marathi: Kurdu
In Tamil: Pannai keerai
Weed plant of the Amaranthaceae family
Family includes
Short-lived plant
50-60 cm tall
Leaves are simple, spirally arranged
Bears flowers
Silky white
Cost of weed control
Up to Rs 2,000 per acre annually
Grows well on fallow land
Grows well under drought conditions

The Silver Cockscomb has garnered attention for its use as a leafy green vegetable by the Soligas, an indigenous tribe of Karnataka, who are known for their traditional knowledge of ecology.


  • Botanical Name: Celosia argentea
  • Also Known as: Lagos spinach
  • Local Names:
    • In Karnataka: Anne soppu
    • In Marathi: Kurdu
    • In Tamil: Pannai keerai
  • The Amaranthaceae family includes other well-known plants like spinach, beetroot, and quinoa.
  • Features:
    • The Silver Cockscomb is a short-lived plant, typically reaching a height of 50-60 cm.
    • Its leaves are simple and spirally arranged.
    • The plant bears flowers that are pinkish and silky white in color.


  • The Soligas, an indigenous tribe of Karnataka, have been using the Silver Cockscomb as a leafy green vegetable in their traditional diet.
  • The cost of weed control associated with the Silver Cockscomb can be substantial, reaching up to Rs 2,000 per acre annually.


  • The Silver Cockscomb demonstrates certain advantages:
    • It grows well on fallow land, making it potentially useful for land restoration and cultivation in abandoned areas.
    • It is resilient and can thrive under drought conditions, suggesting its potential as a crop that requires less water and can withstand arid environments.


The Silver Cockscomb, also known as Lagos spinach, is a weed plant from the Amaranthaceae family. Despite its status as a weed, the indigenous Soligas tribe in Karnataka has found a practical use for it as a leafy green vegetable in their traditional cuisine. Moreover, its ability to grow on fallow land and withstand drought conditions could present opportunities for land reclamation and agricultural resilience in challenging environments. However, the cost of controlling its growth as a weed must also be considered in regions where it may become invasive.

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