[Newsbits] 28.08.2023

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Telugu Day

Telugu Day 2023 marks a celebration that highlights the significance of the Telugu language, one of the oldest and most widely spoken Dravidian languages. This observance seeks to promote the rich linguistic heritage of Telugu, its literary tradition, and its profound impact on culture and identity.

Observing Telugu Day

Promoting the Telugu Language

Telugu Day serves as a platform to promote the Telugu language, which has a deep-rooted history and cultural significance. This observance aims to raise awareness about the language's features, its literary contributions, and its role in connecting people across different regions.

The Telugu Language: A Glimpse

Telugu is renowned as one of the oldest Dravidian languages, with a literary tradition dating back to the 11th century. It holds a special place as a scheduled language included in the Eighth Schedule of the Indian Constitution. Moreover, it has been designated as a classical language by the Government of India. Telugu serves as the official language of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana and is spoken in parts of Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Odisha. With over 90 million speakers worldwide, Telugu has a wide-reaching influence.

Linguistic Characteristics

Telugu is known for its unique linguistic features:

  • Phonetic Language: Each letter corresponds to a specific sound, allowing for consistent pronunciation.
  • Syllable-Timed Language: In contrast to stress-timed languages like English, Telugu assigns equal weight to each syllable.

Honoring Gidugu Venkata Ramamurthy

Commemorating a Visionary

Telugu Day coincides with the birth anniversary of Gidugu Venkata Ramamurthy, a prominent figure in Telugu history.

  • Birth: He was born on August 29, 1848, in Giddalur, Andhra Pradesh.
  • Contributions: Ramamurthy was a Telugu poet, freedom fighter, and social reformer. He campaigned ardently for the upliftment of women and marginalized communities.

Historic Roots of Telugu Day

Inception and Celebration

The first celebration of Telugu Day took place in 1966, coinciding with the 118th birth anniversary of Gidugu Venkata Ramamurthy. This marked the initiation of an annual tradition that honors the Telugu language and its cultural significance.

Telugu Literary Excellence

Timeless Literary Works

Telugu literature boasts an array of significant literary creations:

  • Mahabharatam: Nannaya's masterpiece stands as one of the most important literary contributions.
  • Kumara-sambhavamu: Nannecodu's work adds to the diverse literary landscape.
  • Basava Puranamu and Panditaradhyacharita: Palakuriki Somanatha's creations delve into various themes.
  • Ranganatha Ramayana: Gona Buddha Reddi's work is celebrated for its distinct narrative.
  • Nirvacanottara Ramayanamu: Tikkanna Somyaji's translation holds cultural importance.
  • Markandeya Purana: Marana's creation adds depth to Telugu literature.
  • Keyurabahu-caritramu: Mancanna's work offers a unique perspective.
  • Simhagiri Narahari Vacanamulu: Krishnamacharya's contribution is recognized for its depth.
  • Narsimha Puranamu and Harivamsa: Yerrana's creations enrich the literary landscape.

The Telugu Trinity

Nannaya, Tikkana, and Yerrana

The Telugu literary landscape features a trinity of poets - Nannaya, Tikkana, and Yerrana. They achieved a monumental feat by completing the translation of the Mahabharata into Telugu, leaving an indelible mark on the language's literary legacy.

Priest of Pacopampa

Archaeological endeavors in Peru have led to the remarkable discovery of an ancient tomb, shedding light on a rich and intriguing history that spans back thousands of years.

Discovery of the Ancient Tomb

Unveiling an Ancient Tomb

Archaeologists have recently uncovered an ancient tomb in the highland archaeological zone of Pacopampa, Peru. This discovery opens a window into a world that existed three millennia ago.

Insights into the Tomb

Honoring an Elite Religious Leader

The tomb, estimated to be around 3,000 years old, is believed to have been built to honor an elite religious leader who lived in a distant era.

The "Priest of Pacopampa"

This significant discovery has earned the name "Priest of Pacopampa," tying it to the region where the tomb was found.

Burial Details

The tomb was situated beneath six layers of ash mixed with black earth. Inside, there were intriguing artifacts including decorated ceramic bowls and seals, possibly indicating the use of ancient ritual body paint that held significance for individuals of elite standing.

Unique Features

The tomb itself is nearly two meters in diameter and approximately one meter deep, showcasing a distinct and somewhat unusual design. The positioning of the body, with the face down, one half of the body extended, and crossed feet, adds to its enigmatic nature.

Intriguing Accessories

Among the artifacts found were bone pieces crafted into a tupu, a large pin utilized by Andean Amerindians for securing cloaks and ponchos. Additionally, two seals were discovered near the upper edges of the tomb. One seal featured an anthropomorphic face looking east, while the other displayed a jaguar design facing west.

The Location

A Window to the Past in Northern Peru

This captivating tomb was unearthed in the northern region of Peru, offering a glimpse into the ancient cultures that once thrived in this part of the world.

Historical Context

Tracing Time Through Rock Layers

Rock layers surrounding the tomb have provided clues about its age. The priest is believed to have been buried around 1,200 B.C., making this discovery around five centuries older than other significant findings like the "Lady of Pacopampa" and the "Priests of the Serpent Jaguar of Pacopampa," discovered in 2009 and 2015 respectively.

Building upon Last Year's Find

This discovery comes on the heels of last year's remarkable find, the "Priest of the Pututos," which is believed to be even older, adding to the growing tapestry of Peru's ancient history.

Triyuginarayan Temple

In a remarkable development, the Triyuginarayan Temple in Uttarakhand, India, is being positioned as a wedding destination. This ancient Hindu temple, surrounded by breathtaking landscapes, holds historical and mythological significance.

The Triyuginarayan Temple: An Overview

Other Names and Religious Context

The Triyuginarayan Temple is also known as the Akhand Dhuni temple. It is a Hindu temple dedicated to the deity Vishnu. This temple stands as a symbol of devotion and spiritual significance.

Features and Location

  • Perpetual Fire: The temple is renowned for a perpetual fire that burns in front of it, adding to its mystical aura.
  • Water Stream Source: The temple courtyard is the source of a water stream that fills three sacred bathing ponds.
  • Elevation: Located at an elevation of 6,500 feet above sea level, the temple offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes.

The Mythological Significance

Shiva and Parvati's Nuptial Knot

According to Hindu mythology, the Triyuginarayan Temple is believed to be the sacred spot where Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati tied their celestial wedding knot. This adds an extraordinary layer of significance to the temple, making it a place of divine union.

The Believed Builder

Adi Shankaracharya's Connection

It is widely believed that the temple was built by Adi Shankaracharya, a revered Hindu philosopher and theologian who played a significant role in shaping religious thought in India.

The Location

In the Lap of Uttarakhand

The Triyuginarayan Temple is located in Rudraprayag, Uttarakhand, a region renowned for its stunning natural beauty and spiritual ambience.

The Wedding Tourism Campaign

A Part of "Developing Tourism in Mission Mode"

The promotion of the Triyuginarayan Temple as a wedding destination is part of the larger initiative "Developing Tourism in Mission Mode," a campaign launched by the Tourism Ministry in collaboration with industry experts, associations, and wedding planners.

The Aim

The campaign's primary goals are to:

  • Showcase India: Present India as a premier wedding destination on the global stage.
  • Expand Wedding Industry: Attract couples from around the world, thereby boosting India's wedding industry.
  • 360-Degree Approach: The campaign integrates India's diverse landscapes, ancient rituals, cuisine, and modern infrastructure into its narrative.

Leveraging Strategies

The campaign employs a range of strategies, including:

  • Digital Marketing: Utilizing digital platforms to reach a wider audience.
  • Alliances and Partnerships: Collaborating with wedding planners, domestic and global influencers, and various stakeholders.
  • Thematic Framework: Creating diverse wedding themes such as beach weddings, nature weddings, royal weddings, and Himalayan weddings.

‘Whole Life Orders’ in UK

Recent news from the UK has highlighted a significant legal development - the introduction of mandatory "whole life orders" for the most heinous crimes.

Implementation of Whole Life Orders in the UK

Mandatory Imposition

The UK is set to introduce a mandatory requirement for judges to impose whole life orders in cases involving the worst killers. This means that individuals convicted of the most horrific murders will receive a sentence that ensures they remain in prison for the entirety of their lives.

Planned Legislation Details

  • Whole Life Order: This is a sentencing mechanism where offenders are never considered for parole and may only be released on compassionate grounds or at the discretion of the Home Secretary.
  • Default Sentence: Whole life orders are planned to be the default sentence for sexually motivated murders.

Rationale Behind Mandatory Whole Life Orders

Public Protection

The primary motivation behind mandatory whole life orders is to protect the public from the most dangerous offenders. There is a legal expectation on judges to hand down these orders except in extremely limited circumstances.

Legal Confidence for Judges

The introduction of this mandatory requirement aims to provide judges with the legal confidence to impose whole life orders without the risk of challenges in the Courts of Appeal.

Significance of Whole Life Orders

Rarity of Whole Life Orders

Whole life orders are rare and have been applied to a limited number of cases. As of June 30, there were 65 prisoners subject to whole life orders, according to the Sentencing Council for England and Wales.

How Whole Life Orders Work

Current Process

  • When passing a life sentence, a judge specifies a minimum term that an offender must serve before becoming eligible for parole.
  • If released, the offender is placed on licence for life and can be recalled to prison if they are deemed to pose a risk to the public.

Notable Facts and Cases

Recent Case

A recent high-profile case involves nurse Lucy Letby, who was labeled the most prolific serial child killer. She was convicted of murdering seven babies in a hospital setting and was handed a whole life order.

Historical Context

  • In the 1980s, the Home Secretary held the authority to decide the minimum term that life-sentence prisoners needed to serve before being considered for parole.
  • In 2002, this system was successfully challenged on the grounds that punishment should be determined by an independent tribunal, rather than a politician.

Abaya Ban in France

Recent developments in France have brought attention to a potential ban on the abaya dress, a traditional garment worn by some Muslim women. This move has ignited discussions about religious expression, cultural sensitivity, and the broader context of bans on religious signs in the country.

France's Abaya Ban: Key Points

Ban Specifics

The proposed ban on abaya dress in France comes with specific conditions:

  • Children Prohibited: The ban targets children and prohibits them from wearing the abaya dress in state-run schools.

Abaya Details

The abaya is a distinctive piece of clothing with certain characteristics:

  • Loose-Fitting, Full-Length Robe: The abaya is a loose-fitting, full-length robe that covers the entire body.
  • Traditionally Black: It is traditionally black in color, and it is often worn as an outer garment.

Significance in Context

To understand the significance of this ban, it's important to consider the broader context:

  • France's History of Religious Ban: France has a history of enforcing bans on religious signs in state schools, dating back to the 19th century. These measures aimed to remove traditional Catholic influence from public education.
  • Struggle to Update Guidelines: Over time, France has faced challenges in updating these guidelines, particularly due to the presence of a growing Muslim minority within its borders.

Where the Abaya is Worn

The abaya is worn by women in various regions, including:

  • North Africa
  • Arabian Peninsula
  • Middle East

Historical Facts and Previous Bans

Past Bans on Religious Signs in France

France has previously implemented bans on religious signs within the country:

  • 2004: France banned headscarves in schools, a move that generated significant debate.
  • 2010: The country also banned full-face veils in public spaces, leading to further discussions on religious expression and cultural practices.

Community Response to the Proposed Abaya Ban

The proposed abaya ban has garnered varied responses, including:

  • Anger Within the Muslim Community: The proposed ban has angered segments of France's Muslim community, which consists of approximately five million individuals. This reaction highlights the tension surrounding matters of religious expression and cultural identity.

Iran-Iraq Deal on Kurdish Rebels

Recent news reports highlight an important development between Iran and Iraq - a collaborative agreement concerning Kurdish rebels. This deal signifies a pivotal shift in the dynamics of the region, aiming to address the concerns of Kurdish populations and their activities across multiple countries.

Iran and Iraq: Arriving at a Deal Regarding Kurdish Rebels

Iran and Iraq have come to a significant accord centered around the issue of Kurdish rebels. This understanding seeks to manage the activities of these rebel groups and promote stability within the region.

What the Agreement Entails

Disarmament and Relocation of Kurdish Rebels in Northern Iraq

As a part of this agreement, the focus is on the disarmament and relocation of Kurdish rebel groups operating within northern Iraq. This action aims to quell the activities of these groups, which have been a source of tension and instability.

Kurdish Populations in Various Regions

Kurdish populations are dispersed across several mountainous regions, spanning Western Iran, Northern Iraq, Northeastern Syria, and Southeastern Turkey. This diversity contributes to the complexity of the situation and the need for a coordinated approach.

Iranian Actions and Concerns

Iran has periodically conducted strikes targeting Kurdish dissident groups, with the Kurdistan Democratic Party in Iran (KDPI) being a key target. These strikes have often taken place in Iraq's semi-autonomous Kurdish region, near the Iranian border, reflecting Iran's commitment to curbing the influence of these groups.

Iranian Dissident Groups in Iraq and Their Alignments

Two main Iraqi Kurdish parties, the Kurdistan Democratic Party and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, have significant influence. However, these parties are not only at odds with each other but also have complex relations with Iran.

Highlights of the Agreement

Iraqi Government Commitments

The Iraqi government has committed to specific actions in line with the agreement:

  • Disarmament by September 19: The agreement calls for the disarmament of terrorist and secessionist groups in the Kurdish region of northern Iraq by a designated deadline.
  • Shutdown of Bases: Kurdish rebel group-run bases in the semi-autonomous region are to be closed down, further diminishing their operational capabilities.
  • Relocation of Members: Members of these rebel groups are to be relocated to other camps, thereby minimizing their presence and influence.

Why the Deal was Forged

Kurdish Groups' Demands

The motives behind the activities of Kurdish groups are multifaceted:

  • Secessionist Aspirations: Some Kurdish groups seek secession, particularly in Iran's northwestern Kurdistan province, which shares a border with Iraq.
  • Pan-Kurdish State: A subset of Kurdish populations advocates for the establishment of a unified Pan-Kurdish state, spanning across the Kurdish-inhabited regions in different countries.

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