Iberian Wolf

The Iberian Wolf, scientifically known as Canis lupus signatus, is a remarkable species of gray wolf native to the Iberian Peninsula, encompassing both Spain and Portugal. This wolf species holds a unique significance due to its distinctive features and important role within the ecosystem.

Status and Location

Extinct in Andalusia

  • The Iberian Wolf has been declared extinct in the historic region of Andalusia, located in the extreme south of the Iberian Peninsula, according to the Government of Andalucia.

Andalusia: Autonomous Territory

  • Andalusia, an autonomous territory of Spain, comprises eight provinces: Almería, Cádiz, Córdoba, Granada, Huelva, Jaén, Málaga, and Seville.

Characteristics of the Iberian Wolf

Physical Features and Behavior

  • The Iberian Wolf (Canis lupus signatus) is a species of gray wolf that lives in packs, exhibiting territorial and hierarchical behaviors.
  • Packs are led by a dominant breeding pair, establishing a social structure within the group.
  • This subspecies of gray wolf differs from the Eurasian wolf with its slighter frame, white marks on upper lips, dark marks on its tail, and a distinctive pair of dark marks on its front legs, which gives it the name signatus (meaning “marked”).
  • Habitually, the Iberian Wolf resides in forested and mountainous regions, including areas like the Cantabrian Mountains and Sierra Morena.

Ecological Significance

Largest Wolf Population in Western Europe

  • The Iberian Wolf boasts the largest wolf population in Western Europe.
  • Its presence in the ecosystem plays a crucial role in maintaining balance and biodiversity within the region.

Native Habitat

Originating in the Iberian Peninsula

  • The Iberian Wolf, a subspecies of the gray wolf, is native to the Iberian Peninsula, which encompasses the nations of Spain and Portugal.
  • This unique wolf species thrives within the natural landscapes of these two countries, adapting to various environments.

Conservation and Future

The Iberian Wolf’s status as an apex predator highlights its importance within the ecosystem. The efforts of conservationists and organizations dedicated to safeguarding the species and its habitat are critical to maintaining the delicate ecological balance. As one of the largest wolf populations in Western Europe, the Iberian Wolf serves as a symbol of the region’s natural heritage, calling for continued preservation and coexistence with humans.

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