Recognition of the Cook Islands and Niue

In a significant announcement, US President Joe Biden has declared the recognition of the independence of two small Pacific nations, the Cook Islands and Niue. This recognition marks a strategic move by the United States to strengthen relationships in the Indo-Pacific region and counter the rising influence of China.

The Cook Islands

Description: The Cook Islands are a small Pacific nation located in the South Pacific Ocean. They are a self-governing island country that maintains a unique relationship with New Zealand.

Relationship with New Zealand: The Cook Islands are in free association with New Zealand, which means they receive aid and defense support from New Zealand. Cook Islanders possess New Zealand citizenship, making travel and work between the two nations seamless. The Cook Islands were named after Captain James Cook, who explored the region in 1773.

History: Once autonomous and home to tribes with mixed Polynesian ancestry, the Cook Islands now manage their own foreign and defense policies, although they rely on New Zealand for defense. Most Cook Islanders are New Zealand citizens but possess the status of Cook Islands nationals, exclusive to the islanders.

Population: As per the last census, the Cook Islands have a total population of 14,987, with the majority residing in Rarotonga, which has an international airport.

Leadership: The current leader of the Cook Islands is Prime Minister Mark Brown, who assumed office in October 2020, succeeding Henry Puna.


Description: Niue is another small Pacific nation, an island country located in the South Pacific Ocean. Like the Cook Islands, Niue is also in free association with New Zealand.

Relationship with New Zealand: All Niueans are New Zealand citizens, and the island nation depends on New Zealand as its main source of aid and its largest trading partner.

Status: Niue is not a member of the United Nations but holds a unique status equivalent to independence in international law. It is recognized by the world body as a self-governing territory.

Size and Population: Niue covers an area of 261.46 square kilometers and had a population of 1,689 as per the last year’s census.

Economy: Niue’s economy relies on fishing, agriculture, and tourism. The island attracts whale-watchers, divers, and yachting enthusiasts, contributing to its economy.

Geography: Niue is often referred to as “The Rock” and is one of the world’s largest coral islands.

Leadership: The current leader of Niue is Premier Dalton Tagelagi, who was elected in June 2020 following a general election in May.

Significance of Recognition

The recognition of the Cook Islands and Niue by US President Joe Biden serves a strategic purpose. It aims to strengthen relationships in the Indo-Pacific region and acts as a countermeasure against China’s increasing influence in the area. By acknowledging these two small island nations, the United States is signaling its commitment to regional stability and partnerships, further shaping the dynamics of the Indo-Pacific region. This move holds geopolitical significance and underscores the importance of Pacific nations in global politics.

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