[Newsbits] 30.09.2023

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Global Music Diplomacy Initiative

  • Launched: The Global Music Diplomacy Initiative has been officially launched, marking a significant step in the world of diplomatic efforts through music.

What is the Global Music Diplomacy Initiative?

  • Diplomacy Initiative Focused on Music: This initiative places music at the forefront of diplomacy, recognizing its potential as a powerful tool in international relations.

Why the Initiative?

  • Elevate Music as a Diplomatic Tool: The primary goal of the Global Music Diplomacy Initiative is to elevate music as a diplomatic tool to promote peace, democracy, and to further support the foreign policy goals of the United States.

How the Initiative Operates

  • Leveraging Public-Private Partnerships: The initiative seeks to build strong public-private partnerships to drive its mission.
  • Creating a Music Ecosystem: A key focus is on creating a robust music ecosystem that emphasizes economic equity and creativity.
  • Ensuring Societal Opportunities: The initiative aims to ensure that music creates opportunities and benefits society as a whole.
  • American Music Mentorship Programme:
    • Partnership: In collaboration with the US Department of State and the Recording Academy.
    • Purpose:
      • To bring international mid-career music professionals to the United States.
      • To provide mentorship and networking opportunities.
      • To support creative talent.
      • To strengthen the global creative economy.
  • Fulbright Programme:
    • The initiative collaborates with the Fulbright Programme, the US flagship international academic exchange.
    • This collaboration includes a partnership with the John F. Kennedy Centre for Performing Arts.
    • It offers fellowship opportunities for foreign scholars in the field of music.

Who is Behind the Initiative?

  • USA: The Global Music Diplomacy Initiative is spearheaded by the United States, highlighting the country's commitment to using music as a means to foster international understanding and cooperation.


  • Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs Event: The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs, in association with the Ministry of External Affairs, organized an event in New Delhi aimed at canvassing support for India's candidature for the TIR Executive Board.
  • Timing: This event coincided with the 81st session of the TIR Administrative Committee, which took place at the Palais des Nations in Geneva.

What is TIRExB?

  • TIR Executive Board: TIRExB serves as a subsidiary body of the TIR Administrative Committee.

How TIRExB Operates

  • Supervision and Support: TIRExB plays a pivotal role in supervising and supporting the TIR procedure, both at national and international levels.

Who Comprises TIRExB?

  • 9 Members: TIRExB consists of nine members who represent different Contracting Parties to the TIR Convention.

TIR Convention Details

  • Full Name: The TIR Convention stands for the "Convention on International Transport of Goods Under Cover of TIR Carnets."
  • Abbreviation: TIR stands for "International Road Transports."
  • Purpose: The primary objective of the TIR Convention is to establish an international harmonized system of Customs control, facilitating the seamless transport of goods across multiple international borders.
  • Features:
    • Single Customs Document: The TIR Carnet serves as a single customs document recognized by multiple countries.
    • Unified System of Guarantee: It establishes a unified system of guarantee to cover Customs duties and taxes in transit countries.
  • Contracting Parties: The TIR Convention has 78 Contracting Parties, including India.
  • Operators: There are more than 33,000 TIR operators worldwide.
  • Transports: Approximately 1.5 million TIR transports occur each year under the convention.

TIRExB's efforts in promoting India's candidature for the TIR Executive Board are essential to ensure India's continued involvement and contribution to the facilitation of international goods transport and Customs procedures.

Bharatiya Bhasha Summit

  • Bharatiya Bhasha Summit Inaugurated: The Bharatiya Bhasha Summit has been officially inaugurated with a proposal to celebrate the birthday of Mahakavi Chinnaswami Subramania Bharati as Bharatiya Bhasha Divas on 11th December.

What is the Bharatiya Bhasha Summit?

  • Technology and Bharatiya Bhasha Summit: This summit is an integral part of the Bharatiya Bhasha Utsav, which commenced on 28th September 2023 and will culminate on 11th December 2023, featuring various events in schools and higher education institutions.
  • 2-Day Conference: The summit consists of a two-day conference dedicated to exploring the use of technology in Indian languages education and creating a robust Bharatiya language ecosystem.


  • Alignment with National Education Policy (NEP) 2020: The summit's focus on technology and Indian languages in education is in sync with the National Education Policy of 2020, which emphasizes the importance of technology in education and the preservation of Indian languages.

How the Summit Operates

  • The summit encompasses three central topics:
    1. Technology for Indian Languages: Discussing the development and use of technology to facilitate learning and preservation of Indian languages.
    2. Technology in Indian Languages: Exploring how technology can be integrated into Indian language education.
    3. Technology through Indian Languages: Examining how Indian languages can serve as vehicles for technology advancement.
  • Attendees: Over 1,000 participants from diverse backgrounds including academics, researchers, edu-tech companies, start-ups, and policy makers are actively engaged in the summit.


  • Organized by Union Ministries: The Bharatiya Bhasha Summit is organized by the Union Ministries of Education and Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, demonstrating the government's commitment to advancing Indian language education and technology integration.


  • SIMBEX 23 Concludes: The 30th edition of the Singapore India Maritime Bilateral Exercise, known as SIMBEX 23, has successfully concluded, marking another milestone in the annual maritime cooperation between Singapore and India.

What is SIMBEX 23?

  • 30th Edition: SIMBEX 23 is the 30th edition of the Singapore India Maritime Bilateral Exercise, underscoring its enduring significance.
  • Singapore India Maritime Bilateral Exercise: SIMBEX is an annual exercise aimed at enhancing maritime cooperation and interoperability between the Indian Navy and the Singapore Navy.


  • Indian Navy's Longest Uninterrupted Bilateral Maritime Exercise: SIMBEX holds the distinction of being the Indian Navy's longest uninterrupted bilateral maritime exercise with a foreign navy.

How SIMBEX 23 Unfolded

Harbour Phase

  • During the Harbour Phase, professional interactions and knowledge exchange were prioritized.
  • Subject Matter Expert Exchanges: Experts from both navies shared insights and expertise.
  • Combined Aviation and Firefighting/Damage Control Exercises: Collaborative exercises ensured readiness in emergency scenarios.
  • Signing of JSOP on Submarine Rescue: A significant moment in the exercise, with key attendees including the High Commissioner of India to Singapore and the Singapore Navy Fleet Commander.
  • Commanding Officers of Indian Navy Pay Homage at Kranji War Memorial: A solemn wreath-laying ceremony at the Kranji War Memorial.
  • Activities During Harbour Stay: Cultural exchanges, sports events, cross-deck visits, and onboard visits by school children and Indian High Commission personnel strengthened bonds.

Sea Phase

  • The Sea Phase, conducted from 25 to 28 September 2023, involved various units from both navies.
  • Indian Navy Units:
    • INS Ranvijay (guided-missile Destroyer)
    • Kavaratti (ASW Corvette)
    • Submarine Sindhukesari
    • Long-Range Maritime Patrol Aircraft P8I
  • Singapore Navy Units: RSS Stalwart, Valour, Tenacious, and fighter aircraft.
  • Exercises Conducted: Advanced anti-submarine warfare, surface and air defense exercises, tactical maneuvers, and weapon firings.

Who Participated?

  • Indian Navy: The Indian Navy actively participated in SIMBEX 23 with a range of vessels and aircraft.
  • Singapore Navy: The Singapore Navy joined hands with the Indian Navy to enhance maritime cooperation.

When It All Began

  • First Held in 1994: SIMBEX was first initiated in 1994, and it has continued to grow in significance over the years.

Where It Took Place

  • Singapore: The exercise primarily took place in the waters around Singapore, highlighting the strategic importance of the region in maritime security.

Interesting Facts

  • Kranji War Memorial: During SIMBEX 23, Indian Navy commanding officers paid homage at the Kranji War Memorial.
    • Honoring Commonwealth Heroes: The memorial honors men and women from the Commonwealth who died in World War II.
    • Hillside Cemetery: The memorial includes a hillside cemetery that pays tribute to fallen heroes from multiple countries, including Britain, Australia, Canada, Sri Lanka, India, Malaya, Netherlands, and New Zealand.

Prevalence of Diabetes

In recent news, a comprehensive report on diabetes has been released, shedding light on the alarming prevalence of this chronic condition in our world.

Diabetes Global Industry Overview 2023

2021 Statistics

  • Seven Million Deaths Due to Diabetes: In 2021, diabetes claimed the lives of seven million individuals worldwide, highlighting its significant impact on global health.
  • $970 Billion Healthcare Expenditure: The economic burden of diabetes is staggering, with healthcare expenditures related to the condition reaching a staggering $970 billion.
  • 537 Million Adults Living with Diabetes: Shockingly, there are 537 million adults currently living with diabetes, with a substantial majority residing in low and middle-income countries.
  • 540 Million Adults with Impaired Glucose Tolerance: Additionally, 540 million adults are grappling with impaired glucose tolerance, a condition closely linked to prediabetes.
  • Undiagnosed Diabetes Levels: Globally, the average rate of undiagnosed diabetes stands at 40%. However, this figure varies significantly by region, with Africa at 60%, South-East Asia at 57%, and the Western Pacific Region at 56%.
    • Reason for Undiagnosed Diabetes: Often, diabetes goes undetected unless individuals undergo routine screening exams or blood tests.
    • Diagnostic Biomarkers (by World Health Organization): Key biomarkers include two-hour glucose levels and fasting glucose levels.

Medical Centers Specializing in Diabetes Treatment

  • Total: 1,840 Medical Centers: There are 1,840 medical centers worldwide specializing in diabetes treatment.
  • Distribution by Country:
    • US: 1,466 (78% of world total)
    • India: 58
    • Canada: 51
    • UK: 42
    • Japan: 29
    • Australia: 24
  • Companies' Service Analysis:
    • 1,800 companies offer hospital services related to diabetes treatment.
    • 45% specialize directly in diabetes treatment, while 20% focus on treating diabetes complications, and 36% have no narrow specialization.
  • Services Provided:
    • Diabetes treatment
    • Prevention
    • Screening
    • Managing health and quality of life
    • Residential and home care
    • Rehabilitation
  • Medical Centers' Growth History:
    • The number of diabetes clinics has more than doubled from 1999 to 2022, growing from 567 clinics to 1,329.
    • Market saturation has been observed since 2019.
    • Between 2000 and 2007, the industry experienced a "breakthrough" era, with an average of 38 new clinics opening per year.
    • From 2008 to 2016, relative stability prevailed.
    • However, from 2017 onward, the industry faced a decline, marked by reduced investments and a drop in new companies.
  • Impact of COVID-19:
    • Despite challenges, 13 new diabetes diagnostics clinics opened in 2021-2022, illustrating resilience within the sector.

Diabetes Diagnostics Companies

  • Total: 530 Companies: There are a total of 530 companies worldwide specializing in diabetes diagnostics.
  • Distribution by Country:
    • US: 349 (65% of world total)
    • UK: 21
    • India: 17
    • China: 11
    • Australia: 11

Report by Aging Analytics Agency


  • The report on diabetes is brought to us by the Aging Analytics Agency, which has a specific focus on aging, geroscience, and longevity research.

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