[Newsbits] 11.11.2023

newsbits mindmap notes

Leather puppetry

Leather puppetry mind map
Leather puppetry in Andhra Pradesh
Ancient art form
Facing extinction
What is Leather puppetry
Uses puppets made from goat skin
Puppeteers craft depictions
Characters from Hindu mythology
Themes from epics
Threats faced by puppeteers
Originally from Maharashtra
Settled near Kakinada
Change of faith
Embraced other faiths
Departure from puppetry
Quit due to non-Hindu mythological basis
Economic challenges
Struggling for livelihoods
Digital media influence
Decline in public interest
Shadow puppetry vs Leather Puppetry
Shadow puppetry defined
Traditional form of puppetry
Focus on shadows cast on screen
Puppets made from translucent material
Often leather or parchment
Leather Puppetry contrast
Uses more substantial puppets
Typically opaque
Made from materials like goat skin

Underwater Volcano Eruption

Underwater Volcano Eruption mind map
New island emerged
Near Japan's Ogasawara island chain
Following eruption in late October 2023
Phreatomagmatic eruptions
Volcanic events
Interaction of magma with water
Typically seawater
Explosive releases
Ash and steam production
Phreatic refers to water
Magmatic refers to magma
Often underwater
Explosive nature emphasized
New island formation
About Japan’s Ogasawara island chain
Also known as Bonin Islands
Over 30 islands and islets
Creation process
Volcanic processes
Including phreatomagmatic eruptions

Chief Commissioner of Persons with Disabilities

Chief Commissioner of Persons with Disabilities mind map
Chief Commissioner delivers two impactful judgments
Promote accessibility
Protect rights of individuals with disabilities in India
Source: Press Information Bureau
Judgement details
Government Office Accessibility Mandate
Government offices in non-accessible buildings
Must relocate services
Services moved to ground floor or accessible location within same facility
Airline Policy
Medical clearance for certain PwD categories
Inconsistent with global Civil Aviation Requirements
All airlines
Indian or foreign
Must implement Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016
Protect rights and dignity of individuals with disabilities
Chief Commissioner of Persons with Disabilities
Office established under Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995
Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment
to safeguard rights of persons with disabilities
Composition of office
One Chief Commissioner
Two Commissioners
Identify inconsistencies in laws, policies, programs
Recommend correction
Inquire into deprivation of rights of persons with disabilities
Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995
Replaces PwD Act, 1995
Fulfills India’s obligations to United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
A person with a disability
Long-term physical, mental, intellectual, sensory impairments
Hinder equal participation in society
Person with benchmark disability
At least 40% of a specified disability
Certified by certifying authority
Types of disabilities covered under act
21 types
Rights and entitlements
Reservation in higher education, government jobs
Allocation of land
Poverty alleviation schemes
Establishment of Authorities
Office of Chief Commissioner of Persons with Disabilities
Assisted by 2 Commissioners
Advisory Committee
Violators punishable by imprisonment up to six months
Fine of Rs 10,000 or both
Other steps taken for PwDs
National Action Plan for Skill Development of PwDs
Skill training for self-reliance under Scheme for Implementation of PwD Act 2016
Scheme of Assistance to PwDs for Purchase/Fitting of Aids/Appliances
Financial aid for aids/appliances
Accessible India Campaign
Focus on accessible physical environment
Information and communication ecosystem for PwDs

Criminal Cases against MPs and MLAs

Criminal Cases against MPs and MLAs mind map
Supreme Court directions
Speedy disposal of cases
Against MPs and MLAs
Source: ET
SC issued guidelines
Case background
Challenging Section 8(3)
Representation of People Act, 1951
Six-year ban
For convicted individuals
Offences with two-year minimum sentence
Ban from contesting elections
SC guidelines
Registration of Suo motu cases
Chief justices
From high courts
Initiate for speedy resolution
Involving lawmakers
Special Bench
Chief Justice-led
Hear cases against MPs/MLAs
Priority in Designated Courts
Designated courts prioritize
Cases against MPs/MLAs
1. Death or life imprisonment cases
2. Imprisonment 5 years or more
Trial Court Adjournments
No adjournments
Except rare and compelling reasons
District judges ensure
Technological facilities
For special courts
Monitoring Measures
High Courts develop
Effective monitoring measures
Use powers under Article 227
Over courts and tribunals
In HC jurisdiction
Status of Criminal cases
Post 2019 Lok Sabha elections
43% MPs
With pending criminal cases
By December 2021
Close to 5,000 cases
Current and former MLAs and MPs
Various Judgments Against Criminalization of Politics
Public Interest Foundation v. Union of India (2019)
SC mandated
Political parties publish
Candidates' criminal records
On websites, social media, newspapers
Election Commission of India
Create dissemination framework
Manoj Narula v. Union of India (2014)
Delhi High Court held
Person charged with crime
Not disqualified from elections
Political parties cautioned
Against fielding criminal candidates
Lily Thomas v. Union of India (2013)
SC ruled
Convicted MPs, MLAs
Disqualified if sentenced two years or more
Can't contest elections or hold office
Pending appeal
Association for Democratic Reforms v. Union of India (2002)
SC instructed
Election Commission of India
Issue guidelines
Prevent tickets to criminal candidates
Candidates disclose
Criminal history in nomination papers


Pusa-2090 mind map
Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) development
Improved rice variety
Alternative to Pusa-44
Associated with stubble burning
Source: IE
What is Pusa-44?
Rice variety
High yield
Longer maturity period
Contributes to stubble burning
Post-harvest issue
Dominates paddy cultivation
In Punjab
Particularly non-basmati varieties
Basmati varieties comparison
Softer straw
Less stubble burning
Smaller cultivation area
Punjab Chief Minister announcement
Ban on Pusa-44 cultivation
Starting 2024
What is Pusa-2090?
Cross between Pusa-44 and CB-501
Matures in 120-125 days
Compared to 155-160 days for Pusa-44
Shorter duration
Similar high yields
Addresses stubble burning
In regions like Punjab and Haryana
About IARI
Formation: 1905
Headquarters: Delhi
Imperial Institute of Agricultural Research
Located in Pusa, Bihar
Renamed and relocated
To Delhi in 1936
Administered by
Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)

Alliance for Transformative Action on Climate and Health (ATACH)

Alliance for Transformative Action on Climate and Health (ATACH) mind map
World Health Organization (WHO)
Introduces Operational Framework
For climate-resilient and low-carbon health systems
Implement ATACH goals
Source: WHO
What are climate-resilient and low-carbon health systems?
Designed to
Withstand climate change impacts
Minimize carbon footprint
What is ATACH?
WHO initiative
Established in 2022
Informal voluntary network
Works to realize
Ambition set at COP26
Build climate-resilient and sustainable health systems
Relationship to Operational Framework
Framework implementation
Supports ATACH goals

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