Cloud seeding

Cloud seeding mind map
Delhi is considering cloud seeding
as a potential solution to tackle its persistent air pollution crisis
What is cloud seeding
artificially generating rain
by introducing substances like silver iodide, Dry Ice
into clouds
How it works
employs planes or ground-based generators to spray clouds with chemicals
promoting the condensation of smaller particles into larger rain droplets
Static cloud seeding
introduces ice nuclei
like silver iodide or dry ice
into cold clouds with supercooled liquid water droplets
triggering the formation of ice crystals or snowflakes that fall as precipitation
Dynamic cloud seeding
induces rain by boosting vertical air currents
a more complex process dependent on a sequence of events
Hygroscopic cloud seeding
sprays fine particles of hygroscopic materials
like salts
into warm clouds to act as cloud condensation nuclei
enhancing cloud reflectivity and stability
enhances winter snowfall and mountain snowpack
supplements the natural water supply for surrounding communities
prevents hailstorms
displaces fog
induces rainfall in drought-prone regions
reduces air pollution
controls forest fires
Examples of its use
United Arab Emirates (UAE)
has been using cloud seeding to increase rainfall in its arid region
has been using measures like those during the Beijing Olympics in 2008
cloud seeding was used in Solapur in Maharashtra
Project Varshadhari in Karnataka in 2017
to mitigate drought about 18% of rainfall
requires moisture-filled clouds
which may not always be available or predictable
potential negative environmental and health effects
such as altering the water cycle
soil and water contamination
silver iodide or potassium iodide carry the risk of bioaccumulation and potential toxicity
Way forward
to promote cloud seeding
achieve scientific consensus
establish robust regulatory measures for accountability
address concerns proactively

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