Polarized Emissions from an Extragalactic Black Hole

Polarized Emissions from an Extragalactic Black Hole upsc mind map
Groundbreaking discovery
By Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati and ISRO
Detection of polarized emissions
From extragalactic black hole
In Large Magellanic Cloud X-3
Binary star system
Black hole
Normal star
Hotter and larger than Sun
Discovered in 1971
200,000 light-years away
X-ray polarimetry
Analyzes polarization properties
Offers insights into
Matter drawn toward black holes
Accretion process
Technology and tools used
The Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE)
NASA mission
Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER)
Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR)
Constraining black hole spin
X-ray polarimetry
Identifies radiation source near black holes
Explains effect of gravitational fields
Polarization of emitted light
LMC X-3 emits powerful X-rays
10,000 times more than Sun
Likely harbors
Black hole with low rotation rate
Surrounded by slim disc structure
Process of matter accumulation
Black hole
Dense astronomical object with strong gravity
X-ray polarimetry
Study of polarization in X-ray light

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