UNEP’s 14th Emissions Gap Report 2023

UNEP’s 14th Emissions Gap Report 2023 mind map
Unmet Climate Contributions and Rising Temperatures
Projects warming of 2.5°C by 2030
Current policy scenarios indicate potential rise of 3°C
Alarming Climate Records and Emission Trends
Surge in climate records
Global emissions peaked at 57.4 gigatonnes in 2022
GHG Emissions and Fossil Fuel Dependency
Two-thirds of emissions from fossil fuels
Reducing fossil fuel production crucial
Inequalities in Climate Contributions
Stark inequalities in contributions
United States, European Union, China responsible for disproportionate share
Mixed Progress in G20 Economies
Policy developments present mixed progress
United States' Inflation Reduction Act aids in reaching NDC goals
Challenges in European Union with investments in fossil gas infrastructure
Low Confidence in Net Zero Targets
Concerns about diversity and implementation of Net Zero pledges
Low confidence among G20 members
Urgent Need for Clean Energy Access
Over 2.4 billion people lack clean cooking sources
775 million lack electricity
Challenges in low- and lower-middle-income countries
Carbon Dioxide Removal Strategies
Necessity of carbon dioxide removal strategies
Comparison of existing and emerging CDR approaches

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