Global Cooperation Barometer 2024

Global Cooperation Barometer 2024 mind map
Recent News
January 2024 release
World Economic Forum
Collaboration with McKinsey & Company
Published January 2024
Assess global cooperation
Helps understand cooperation
Aids in shaping a sustainable world
Uses 42 indicators
Across five pillars
Trade and capital
Health and wellness
Climate and natural capital
Innovation and technology
Peace and security
Highlights challenges
Health and wellness
Maternal mortality increase
Life expectancy reduction
Suggests way forward
Health research partnerships
Tackling synthetic drugs
Mental health improvements
Engaging aging populations
Evaluates cooperation
Using 42 indicators
Global scope
World Economic Forum
McKinsey & Company
Borge Brende, WEF president
Bob Sternfels, McKinsey & Company's Managing Partner
Analysis of indicators
Report preparation

The Global Cooperation Barometer 2024 is a comprehensive report that evaluates the state of global cooperation across various sectors. Developed by the World Economic Forum in collaboration with McKinsey & Company, it utilizes 42 distinct indicators to gauge cooperation in areas like trade, health, climate, technology, and security. The report highlights significant challenges, such as declining global health cooperation and increases in maternal mortality rates, while suggesting ways forward, including enhanced international research partnerships and better handling of chronic health issues.

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