[Newsbits] 17,18|01|2024: Vadnagar, Moh-Juj, Oxfam’s Inequality Inc Report & more

newsbits mindmap notes
Rising Acidity Threatens Antarctic Shelf Ecosystems mind map
Recent News
January 2024
Antarctic waters' acidity may double by 2100
By 2100
Global warming
CO2 absorption by oceans
Ocean acidification
Harmful to marine ecosystems
Impact on MPAs
Marine Protected Areas
Two established
Three proposed
Increased acidity in MPAs
Affected species
Sea snails
Sea urchins
Top predators like whales and penguins
Southern Ocean
Antarctic shelf regions
Weddell Sea
Ross Sea
Cara Nissen
Research scientist
University of Colorado
Nicole S. Lovenduski
Study co-author
Cassandra M. Brooks
Study co-author
Other researchers
Mario Hoppema
Ralph Timmermann
Judith Hauck
Computer model simulation
Analysis of acidification progression
MPA establishment as priority
Protecting biodiversity
Severe acidification under high emissions
Threat to entire marine food web
Way Forward
Cut CO2 emissions quickly
Aggressive mitigation strategies
Expansion of Antarctic MPAs

The recent research in January 2024 highlights the threat of rising acidity in the Antarctic shelf ecosystems, with the potential of ocean waters’ acidity doubling by 2100. This is mainly due to global warming and the absorption of CO2 by the oceans. The research focuses on the impact of this acidification on Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and its harmful effects on marine ecosystems. Key species like phytoplankton, sea snails, sea urchins, and top predators like whales and penguins are at risk.

The research, led by Cara Nissen and involving other scientists, used computer models to simulate and analyze the progression of acidification. The findings underscore the need for establishing MPAs as a priority to protect biodiversity. However, there are significant challenges, as severe acidification is projected under high emission scenarios, threatening the entire marine food web. The way forward suggested by the research includes cutting CO2 emissions quickly and adopting aggressive mitigation strategies, along with the expansion of Antarctic MPAs.

/ Festivals & Fairs
Moh-Juj (Buffalo Fights) mind map
Recent News:
Revival after ban:
After 9 years
Part of Magh Bihu
Ahotguri, Nagaon District
January 16, 2024
Cultural tradition
Introduced by Swargadeo Rudra Singha
Supreme Court ban 2014
Revival with SOPs
Includes Bulbuli fights
Requires 25-year history
No physical harm to animals
Morigaon district
Chief Minister:
Himanta Biswa Sarma
Swargadeo Rudra Singha
PETA's concerns
Legislative amendments
SOP compliance
Veterinary teams for emergencies
Cultural revival
Unifying role in society
Animal welfare concerns
Legal implications
Way Forward:
Balance between culture and welfare
Continued monitoring and guidelines

Moh-Juj, or buffalo fights, are a traditional event in Assam, India, deeply rooted in cultural heritage. Recently, after a nine-year hiatus, these fights were revived as part of the Magh Bihu celebration in Ahotguri, Nagaon District. The revival comes with stringent Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to ensure no physical harm to the animals. Introduced by Swargadeo Rudra Singha nearly two centuries ago, Moh-Juj plays a significant role in Assamese society. The Chief Minister of Assam, Himanta Biswa Sarma, along with animal welfare organizations like PETA, emphasize the delicate balance between preserving cultural traditions and ensuring animal welfare. The revival of Moh-Juj seeks to maintain this balance, highlighting the importance of cultural traditions while prioritizing animal welfare and safety.

/ Awards & Honors
Assam Baibhav Award mind map
Recent News
January 2024
Ranjan Gogoi
Former CJI
Recent Award Ceremony
February 10, 2024
Recognize exceptional service
Performance of highest order
Highest civilian award in Assam
Cash Prize
₹5 lakh
Medical treatment
Lifetime at government expense
Presented in Assam
Ratan Tata
Social service
Dr. Tapan Saikia
Healthcare, Public Service
Ranjan Gogoi
Law & Justice
Presented by
Government of Assam
Chief Minister of Assam
Assam Governor
Vice President of India
Ceremony at Sankardev Kalakshetra
Chief guest
Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar
Acknowledging contributions
Various fields
Enhancing state's recognition
Way Forward
Continuing recognition
Expanding categories

The Assam Baibhav Award is the highest civilian honor in the state of Assam, India. Established in 2021, it recognizes individuals for exceptional service and performance in various fields. The award includes a cash prize of ₹5 lakh and lifetime medical treatment at government expense. In January 2024, former Chief Justice of India Ranjan Gogoi was announced as the latest recipient. Past awardees include industrialist Ratan Tata and oncologist Dr. Tapan Saikia. The award ceremony is a significant event, attended by prominent government officials, and enhances the recognition of contributions in diverse fields.

Vadnagar Archaeological Site mind map
Recent News
2800-year-old settlement
January 2024 discovery
800 BCE
Study climate, human settlement
Multi-religious, multi-cultural site
Settlement patterns
Migration, invasion patterns
Vadnagar, Gujarat, India
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Archaeological Survey of India
Physical Research Laboratory
Jawaharlal Nehru University
Deccan College
Directorate of Archaeology & Museums, Gujarat
Archaeological excavation
Isotope data analysis
Historical continuity understanding
Climate change insights
Multi-cultural insights
Way Forward
Experiential digital museum
Further research and excavation

The Vadnagar archaeological site, discovered in January 2024, dates back to 800 BCE and offers significant insights into historical continuity and climate change impacts on human settlements. This site in Gujarat, India, was a culturally diverse and multi-religious settlement, showcasing patterns of migration and invasions. Researchers from various prestigious Indian institutions, funded by the Gujarat Directorate of Archaeology & Museums, led this discovery. The findings contribute to our understanding of historical climatic shifts and their influence on civilizations, and plans are underway to establish an experiential digital museum at Vadnagar.

Oxfam’s Inequality Inc Report mind map
Recent News
Published January 2024
Report released in January 2024
Highlight global economic inequalities
Examine corporate influence on poverty and wealth
Key Findings
Richest five men doubled fortunes since 2020
Five billion people became poorer in same period
Global poverty remains at pre-pandemic levels
Billionaires $3.3 trillion richer than in 2020
Wealth Distribution
Rich countries own 69% of global wealth
Top 1% own 43% of all global financial assets
Corporate Profits
Large firms breaking profit records
$1.8 trillion in net profits by 148 big corporations
Specific Cases
Bernard Arnault
Aliko Dangote
Jeff Bezos
Worker Conditions
800 million workers lost $1.5 trillion due to inflation
Corporate Taxation
Effective corporate tax rate fallen by a third
Global Scope
Rebecca Riddell
Nabil Ahmed
Alex Maitland
Max Lawson
Anjela Taneja
Oxfam International
Data Analysis
World Benchmarking Alliance data
IMF’s World Economic Outlook Database
Comparative wealth and poverty analysis
Highlights wealth inequality
Focuses on corporate power and poverty
Policy Recommendations
Government interventions for equality
Revitalizing the state
Reining in corporate power
Reinventing business models
Increasing Economic Disparity
Widening gap between rich and poor
Corporate Dominance
Monopolies stifling competition and innovation
Way Forward
Government Actions
Break up monopolies
Tax corporate profits
Invest in public goods and services
Business Reforms
Legislate for living wages
Democratize business ownership

The Oxfam Inequality Inc Report, published in January 2024, aims to highlight the stark global economic inequalities and the impact of corporate power on poverty and wealth distribution. The report reveals that since 2020, the richest five men in the world have doubled their fortunes, while nearly five billion people have become poorer. It also sheds light on the disproportionate wealth distribution, where the richest 1% globally own a substantial portion of all financial assets.

The report critiques the role of large corporations in exacerbating these inequalities through practices like tax dodging and profiteering, and the challenges faced by workers, with 800 million workers losing significant income due to inflation. The authors call for government interventions to reduce inequality, including revitalizing the state, reining in corporate power, and reinventing business models. The report’s significance lies in raising awareness about wealth inequality and offering policy recommendations for a more equitable world. However, it also underscores the challenges of increasing economic disparity and corporate dominance. The way forward, as suggested by the report, involves critical government and business reforms to achieve greater equality and economic justice.

/ Industries/Sectors
National Startup Awards 2023 mind map
Recent News
Winners Announced
January 2023
January 2023
Recognize Startups
Innovative Products
Employment Generation
Wealth Creation
Social Impact
Startup India Innovation Week
10th-18th January 2024
Virtual Sessions
AMA with Ecosystem Enablers
Mentorship Sessions
How to Start Up
States' Startup Ranking
Capacity Building Exercise
Various Locations
Department of Industry and Internal Trade
Prime Minister Narendra Modi
Initiative Launcher
Startup India
Initiative Name
Startups and Ecosystem Enablers
Award Recipients
Application Process
Online Submissions
Jury Assessment
Boosting Innovation
Nurturing Startups
Encouraging Investments
Socio-Economic Development
Way Forward
Continued Recognition
Annual Awards
More Categories

The National Startup Awards 2023 in India, celebrated in January, aimed to recognize and reward outstanding startups and ecosystem enablers for their innovative products, potential for employment generation, wealth creation, and measurable social impact. The event was a part of the Startup India Innovation Week and included various activities like virtual sessions with ecosystem enablers, mentorship sessions, and a states’ startup ranking exercise. The initiative, launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2016, significantly boosts innovation, nurtures startups, and encourages investments, contributing to India’s socio-economic development.

/ Indices/Reports
Global Hydrogen Price Index mind map
Recent News
Indian Gas Exchange
Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation
International Financial Services Centre
Develop Global Hydrogen Price Index
Create Global Hydrogen Trading Platform
GIFT City, Gandhinagar
January 17, 2024
Announcement date
Price Discovery
Benchmark creation
Market information facilitation
Hydrogen economy developments
Policy and regulation updates
Production cost insights
Global Platform
Trading Mechanism
Pricing Benchmark
GIFT City, Gandhinagar, India
Indian Gas Exchange
Gas trading platform
Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation
Energy company
International Financial Services Centre
Financial services hub
Strategy development
Infrastructure setup
Platform Utilization
Market participants
Industry stakeholders
Market Transparency
Clear pricing
Informed decisions
Industry Growth
Facilitating trade
Encouraging investments
Implementation Complexity
International coordination
Regulatory alignment
Market Uncertainty
Hydrogen demand variability
Emerging technology adaptation
Way Forward
Infrastructure Development
Refueling stations
Pipeline networks
Technology Advancements
Fuel cell development
Sector-specific solutions

The Global Hydrogen Price Index is an initiative set to develop a benchmark for hydrogen pricing and facilitate a global hydrogen trading platform. Announced on January 17, 2024, this project is a collaborative effort involving the Indian Gas Exchange, Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation, and the International Financial Services Centre at GIFT City, Gandhinagar. The purpose of the index is to aid in price discovery and provide market information, essential for the growing hydrogen economy. It aims to bring transparency and foster growth in the hydrogen market, though it faces challenges like implementation complexity and market uncertainty. The way forward includes developing infrastructure like refueling stations and pipelines, and advancing hydrogen-related technologies for different sectors.

/ Indices/Reports
Global Cooperation Barometer 2024 mind map
Recent News
January 2024 release
World Economic Forum
Collaboration with McKinsey & Company
Published January 2024
Assess global cooperation
Helps understand cooperation
Aids in shaping a sustainable world
Uses 42 indicators
Across five pillars
Trade and capital
Health and wellness
Climate and natural capital
Innovation and technology
Peace and security
Highlights challenges
Health and wellness
Maternal mortality increase
Life expectancy reduction
Suggests way forward
Health research partnerships
Tackling synthetic drugs
Mental health improvements
Engaging aging populations
Evaluates cooperation
Using 42 indicators
Global scope
World Economic Forum
McKinsey & Company
Borge Brende, WEF president
Bob Sternfels, McKinsey & Company's Managing Partner
Analysis of indicators
Report preparation

The Global Cooperation Barometer 2024 is a comprehensive report that evaluates the state of global cooperation across various sectors. Developed by the World Economic Forum in collaboration with McKinsey & Company, it utilizes 42 distinct indicators to gauge cooperation in areas like trade, health, climate, technology, and security. The report highlights significant challenges, such as declining global health cooperation and increases in maternal mortality rates, while suggesting ways forward, including enhanced international research partnerships and better handling of chronic health issues.

/ Species
Saltwater or Estuarine Crocodiles in India mind map
Recent News:
January 2024:
Annual census in Odisha:
Total count: 1,811
Hatchlings: 582
Yearlings: 387
Juveniles: 327
Sub-adults: 167
Adults: 348
Comparison with 2023:
Increase from 1,793
Human-crocodile conflict:
Recent incidents: 6 deaths
Conflict areas: Bhitarkanika, nearby areas
Travel distance: Up to 2,000 km
Annual Census:
Conducted: January 10-12, 2024
Conservation efforts:
To monitor population
Assess conservation status
Census methodology:
Teams: 22
Segments: 51
Areas covered: All creeks, rivers in park
Found in:
Mangrove forests
Brackish waters
Freshwater rivers
Locations in India:
Bhitarkanika National Park, Odisha
Sundarbans, West Bengal
Andaman and Nicobar Islands
Involved parties:
Forest Department
Sudarshan Gopinath Yadav, DFO
Wildlife personnel
Trained local staff
Census Process:
Method: Direct sighting
Time: Winter (for sunbathing crocodiles)
Positive aspects:
Species recovery:
Increased population
Conservation success:
Effective management
Human-crocodile conflict
Habitat destruction
Hunting for skin, meat
Way Forward:
Enhanced conservation efforts
Managing human-crocodile interactions
Habitat preservation

Saltwater or estuarine crocodiles in India have seen a marginal population increase, with 1,811 individuals counted in Odisha’s Bhitarkanika National Park during the annual census of January 2024. This census is crucial for monitoring the species’ conservation status. The crocodiles inhabit mangrove forests, brackish waters, and freshwater rivers, primarily in Odisha, West Bengal, and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The census involves direct sighting by teams from the Forest Department and wildlife experts. While the population increase is a positive sign of species recovery and conservation success, challenges like human-crocodile conflicts and habitat destruction persist. Going forward, enhanced conservation efforts and effective management of human-crocodile interactions are crucial.

/ etc), Missiles, Space, Submarines
X-59 Quiet Supersonic Aircraft mind map
Recent News
Skunk Works Rolls Out
January 12, 2024
Palmdale, California
NASA Targets 2024
For First Flight
First Flight in 2024
Quieter Supersonic Flight
Overland Flight Viability
Quiet Supersonic Technology
Ground Noise
60 dB(A) in 2017
75 EPNdB in 2018
Long, Narrow Airframe
Shock Waves
Prevent Coalescing
Central Engine
Top-Mounted Intake
Low Boom
Enhanced Flight Vision System
4K Camera
33° by 19° View
Compensates Visibility
Collins Aerospace Pro Line Fusion
EVS with Long-Wave Infrared Sensors
NASA External Vision System
Developed at Skunk Works
Lockheed Martin
Palmdale, California
Developed by
Lockheed Martin
NASA Deputy Administrator
Pam Melroy
United Technologies
Collins Aerospace
Utilizing Technology
For Quieter Sonic Boom
Design Features
Long, Pointed Nose-Cone
Flush Cockpit
Multispectral Imaging System
Revolutionize Air Travel
Faster Than Sound
New Generation Commercial Aircraft
Inlet Flow Distortion
Due to Vortices
Forward Vision Obstructed
By Nose-Cone
Way Forward
Not Mentioned

The X-59 Quiet Supersonic Aircraft, developed jointly by NASA and Lockheed Martin, represents a significant advancement in aeronautical engineering. Unveiled on January 12, 2024, at Lockheed Martin’s Skunk Works facility in Palmdale, California, this aircraft is designed to fly at supersonic speeds while producing a much quieter sonic boom. Utilizing innovative technologies, it aims to address the challenge of supersonic flight over land. The aircraft’s unique features include a long, narrow airframe and specialized canards to manage shock waves, a top-mounted engine intake for lower boom, and an enhanced flight vision system to compensate for limited forward visibility due to its long nose-cone. The X-59 is set for its first flight in 2024 and is expected to revolutionize air travel by enabling faster-than-sound travel with minimal noise disruption, paving the way for a new generation of commercial supersonic aircraft.

/ Diseases
Global Fungal Infection Deaths mind map
Recent News:
January 2024:
Global deaths:
- Earlier estimates
- Now 3.75 million annually
Indian context:
Data from 80 countries:
- Includes India
Affecting India:
- Significant impact
Over a decade:
- Increase observed
- Delayed recognition
Lack of effective drugs:
- Antifungal resistance rising
Diagnostic gaps:
- Limited access and usage
- Incomplete identification
Types of infections:
- Candidiasis
- Aspergillosis
- Cryptococcosis
Affected populations:
- HIV/AIDS patients
- Cancer patients
- Organ transplant recipients
Global scale:
- Including India
Who researched:
David Denning:
- Professor of infectious disease
- University of Manchester
- 300 professionals
- Worldwide contribution
Main Topic
Research methods:
- Global data analysis
- Journal Lancet Infectious Diseases
Estimation process:
- Including indirect deaths
Awareness increase:
- Global fungal infection impact
Improved diagnostics:
- In last 10-15 years
Diagnostic challenges:
- Limited test availability
- Incomplete detection
Antifungal resistance:
- Increased due to fungicides
Way Forward:
Need for:
- Better diagnostics
- Effective treatment strategies

The topic of “Global Fungal Infection Deaths Double Earlier Estimates” revolves around the recent revelation that the number of global deaths due to fungal infections has nearly doubled from previous estimates, now standing at approximately 3.75 million annually. This alarming increase has been observed over the past decade, highlighting a significant health concern worldwide, including in India. Contributing factors to this rise include misdiagnosis, delayed recognition by healthcare providers, lack of effective antifungal drugs, and diagnostic gaps, particularly limited access to and usage of fungal disease diagnostics.

The research, led by Professor David Denning of the University of Manchester and involving the collaboration of over 300 professionals worldwide, was published in the journal Lancet Infectious Diseases. The study indicates that fungal diseases can be particularly problematic for individuals with weakened immune systems, such as those with HIV/AIDS, cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, and organ transplant recipients. Despite advancements in fungal disease diagnostics in the last ten to fifteen years, the accessibility and utilization of these tests remain limited, contributing to preventable deaths.

A significant challenge in addressing this issue is the rising antifungal resistance, partly exacerbated by the indiscriminate use of certain fungicides on crops. The study highlights the need for better diagnostic tools and more effective treatment strategies to combat the growing impact of fungal infections globally.

The increase in global fungal infection deaths is significant because it constitutes around 6.8% of total global deaths, underlining the need for increased awareness, improved diagnostics, and effective treatment options to address this escalating health concern.

/ Road
One Vehicle One FASTag mind map
Recent News
January 2024
Indian Context
Effective from February 1, 2024
Enhance ETC system efficiency
Seamless Toll Plaza movement
Discourage misuse of FASTags
One FASTag per vehicle
Compliance with RBI guidelines
KYC completion required
Nationwide implementation
Indian National Highways
National Highways Authority of India (NHAI)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
FASTag users
Discard old FASTags
Update KYC for latest FASTag
Contact issuer banks for assistance
Improved Toll Plaza efficiency
Smooth traffic flow
Reduced delays and inconveniences
Risk of FASTag deactivation
KYC update requirement
Way Forward
Continued user awareness
Enhanced system monitoring

The ‘One Vehicle One FASTag’ initiative, effective from February 1, 2024, is a strategic move by the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) to enhance the efficiency of the Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) system on Indian National Highways. This initiative mandates that each vehicle should have only one FASTag, requiring users to comply with updated Reserve Bank of India (RBI) guidelines, particularly the completion of the Know Your Customer (KYC) process. It aims to eliminate the misuse of FASTags, such as using one tag for multiple vehicles or linking multiple tags to a single vehicle. Users are urged to discard any old FASTags and ensure that their latest FASTag has updated KYC details to avoid deactivation or blacklisting post-January 31, 2024. The initiative is expected to streamline toll operations, reduce delays and inconvenience at toll plazas, and ensure a smoother flow of traffic.

/ Indices/Reports
Niti Aayog Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) mind map
Recent News
Decline in MPI
29.17% (2013-14)
11.28% (2022-23)
24.82 crore escaped poverty
Faster decline 2015-16 to 2019-21
10.66% annual rate
Significant initiatives
Reduce all dimensions of poverty
States with most progress
Uttar Pradesh
5.94 crore escaped poverty
3.77 crore escaped poverty
Madhya Pradesh
2.30 crore escaped poverty
1.87 crore escaped poverty
Measures non-monetary poverty
12 indicators
Child mortality
Maternal health
Years of schooling
School attendance
Standard of living
Cooking fuel
Drinking water
Bank accounts
Align with global MPI
Customize for India
MPI Coordination Committee
Chaired by Sanyukta Samaddar
Members from various ministries
Achieving SDGs
Before 2030
Improvements in
Standard of living
Reduced inter-state disparities
Varied state performance
Data limitations
Projected estimates used
Way Forward
Continued government efforts
All-round development
Prosperous future for Indians

The Niti Aayog Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) provides a comprehensive measure of poverty in India beyond just monetary aspects. It evaluates deprivation across 12 indicators covering health, education, and standard of living. The latest report highlights a significant reduction in MPI from 29.17% in 2013-14 to 11.28% in 2022-23, indicating that 24.82 crore people have escaped multidimensional poverty. This achievement is attributed to various government initiatives targeting different dimensions of poverty. The MPI is designed to align with the global MPI while being customized for India, and a coordination committee oversees its implementation. The index’s success signifies progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) before 2030, reducing inter-state disparities, and improving overall well-being. However, challenges include varied performance across states and the use of projected estimates due to data limitations. The way forward emphasizes continued government efforts to ensure all-round development and a prosperous future for all Indians.

/ Innovation
National Social Organisations and Institutions Meet (NSOIM) mind map
Recent News:
January 2024 Event:
Location: DBT-THSTI-RCB Campus, Faridabad, Haryana
Dates: January 17-19, 2024
Dates: January 17-19, 2024
Foster Collaboration
Innovation Intersection
Societal Development
Technological Innovations:
For Grassroots Development
NSOIM Declaration:
Commitment to Collaboration
Grassroots Development Models:
Recognizing Excellence
15 Models Spotlight
"Navonmesh -2" Handbook:
Empowering Nation-Building Organizations
Location: DBT-THSTI-RCB Campus, Faridabad, Haryana
National Innovation Foundation's DST-SEED Division
VibhaVani India
Science & Technology-Based Social Organizations
Research & Academic Institutions
Event Structure:
Interactive Sessions
Innovative Technologies
Empowering India:
Social Empowerment
Bridging Gaps:
Addressing Emerging Societal Challenges
Way Forward:
Sustainable Models:
For Societal Development
Scientific Interventions:
Livelihood-Centric Development

The National Social Organisations and Institutions Meet (NSOIM) is a pivotal event of the India International Science Festival (IISF), held from January 17th to 19th, 2024, in Faridabad, Haryana. It serves as a platform for stakeholders in societal development, focusing on “Technological Innovations for Grassroots Development.” Organized by the National Innovation Foundation’s DST-SEED Division and VibhaVani India, NSOIM brings together participants from various sectors dedicated to societal progress. The meet features the unveiling of the NSOIM Declaration, a commitment to fostering collaboration and innovation at the nexus of science and society, and spotlights 15 exemplary grassroots development models. Additionally, the event sees the launch of “Navonmesh -2,” a handbook aimed at empowering organizations with insights and resources for nation-building. This event marks a significant step towards bridging the gap between science and society, promoting self-reliance, and empowering India socially and technologically.

National Framework for Climate Services (NFCS) mind map
Recent News
Launched by IMD
India's response to GFCS
Launched in 2024
To enhance climate resilience
To bridge functional gaps in climate services
Based on Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS)
Enhances production and utilization of climate information
Fosters collaboration among stakeholders
Tailored to India's weather patterns and stakeholder needs
IMD as nodal agency
Sectors of focus
Initially includes
Disaster management
Potential to incorporate other sectors
Strengthen observational networks on land and sea
Enhance data collection and utilization
Tailor climate data for sector-specific needs
Support climate resilience efforts
Across India
Emphasis on challenging terrains and oceans
Spearheaded by India Meteorological Department (IMD)
Collaboration among
By bridging gaps among agencies requiring climate services
Improving data inflow
Running weather and climate models
Customizing climate information
Mitigates impacts on various sectors
Improves integration and data sharing
Prepares for new climate conditions
Identifies trends in key areas
Gaps in weather data collection
Lack of long-term climatological data
Challenge of coordinating multiple stakeholders
Way Forward
Expand sectors covered by NFCS
Accelerate implementation in mission mode

The National Framework for Climate Services (NFCS) in India, launched by the India Meteorological Department (IMD), is an initiative to enhance climate resilience and bridge functional gaps in climate services. It aligns with the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) and is tailored to India’s specific weather patterns and stakeholder needs. The NFCS focuses initially on sectors like agriculture, energy, health, water, and disaster management, with the potential to expand to others such as transportation and tourism. Its objectives include strengthening observational networks, enhancing data collection and utilization, and customizing climate data for sector-specific needs. The NFCS faces challenges such as gaps in weather data collection and the coordination of multiple stakeholders but aims to mitigate impacts on various sectors and improve climate resilience. The way forward includes expanding the sectors covered and accelerating implementation in a mission-mode approach.

Indo-Thai CORPAT mind map
Recent News
35th Edition
May 3-10, 2023
Since 2005
Maritime Security
Indian Ocean
Prevent Unlawful Activities
IUU Fishing
Drug Trafficking
Armed Robbery
Enhance Operational Synergy
Information Exchange
International Maritime Boundary Line
Along IMBL
Indian Navy
INS Kesari
Royal Thai Navy
HTMS Saiburi
Maritime Patrol Aircraft
Andaman Sea
Indian Navy
Security And Growth
All in the Region
SAGAR Vision
Royal Thai Navy
Close Relationship
India and Thailand
Joint EEZ Surveillance
Humanitarian Assistance
Disaster Relief Operations
Enhanced Interoperability
Strong Bonds
India and Thailand

The Indo-Thai Coordinated Patrol (CORPAT) is a bilateral maritime exercise conducted bi-annually since 2005 by the Indian Navy and the Royal Thai Navy. The primary aim of this initiative is to reinforce maritime linkages and ensure the safety and security of the Indian Ocean for international trade. Key activities during these patrols include preventing unlawful activities such as illegal, unreported, unregulated (IUU) fishing, drug trafficking, piracy, and armed robbery. These patrols also focus on enhancing operational synergy through the exchange of information, which aids in the prevention of smuggling, illegal immigration, and conducting search and rescue operations at sea.

The 35th edition of the Indo-Thai CORPAT was conducted from May 3-10, 2023, in the Andaman Sea, along the International Maritime Boundary Line (IMBL). This edition saw the participation of Indian Naval Ship (INS) Kesari, an indigenously built LST (L), and His Thai Majesty’s Ship (HTMS) Saiburi, a Chao Phraya Class Frigate, along with maritime patrol aircraft from both navies. This patrol is a part of India’s broader vision of Security And Growth for All in the Region (SAGAR), indicating a proactive engagement with Indian Ocean Region countries to enhance regional maritime security. The exercise reflects the close and evolving relationship between the Indian and Royal Thai navies and is a step towards consolidating interoperability and strengthening the bonds of friendship between India and Thailand.

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