Underline the changes in the field of society and economy from the Rig Vedic to the later Vedic period. (150 words)

The transition from the Rig Vedic to the later Vedic period marked significant changes in society and economy, reflecting a shift from a semi-nomadic lifestyle to a more settled, agrarian-based society.

Changes in Society

  • Caste System Rigidification: Initially flexible, the caste system became rigid in the Later Vedic period, with birth determining caste status.
  • Position of Women: Women enjoyed greater freedom during the Rig Vedic period, participating in religious and social activities. However, their status declined in the Later Vedic period, with restrictions on their societal roles.
  • Religious Practices: The Rig Vedic period focused on naturalistic deities and simple rituals. The Later Vedic period saw complex rituals and sacrifices, emphasizing Brahmanical supremacy.
  • Social Structure: The society transitioned from a tribal setup to a more hierarchical structure with distinct varnas (castes), including Brahmanas, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudras.

Changes in Economy

  • Agricultural Expansion: The economy shifted from pastoralism to agriculture as the primary occupation. Iron tools facilitated forest clearing and increased agricultural productivity.
  • Trade and Commerce: Trade expanded significantly during the Later Vedic period, with the emergence of trade routes and urban centers. Barter was supplemented by metallic currency like nishka.
  • Craft Specialization: There was a rise in specialized crafts such as pottery, weaving, and metallurgy, indicating economic diversification.
  • Urbanization Beginnings: Towards the end of the later Vedic period, traces of urbanization appeared, indicating a shift towards more complex societal structures.


Understanding these transitions highlights the dynamic nature of ancient Indian civilization. Promoting archaeological research can further uncover insights into this transformative era.

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