What is regional disparity? How does it differ from diversity? How serious is the issue of regional disparity in India? (250 words)

Regional disparity denotes the unequal distribution of resources, opportunities, and economic development across different areas, resulting in imbalanced growth. Despite India’s position as the world’s fifth-largest economy, NITI Aayog’s SDG Index 2023 highlights significant disparities among Indian states.

Definition and Difference Between Regional Disparity and Diversity:

  • Regional Disparity: It refers to the differences in socio-economic development across regions, where some areas have better infrastructure, employment, and living standards. For instance, Maharashtra’s per capita income was ₹2,42,247 in 2022, whereas Bihar’s was only ₹50,735 .
  • Diversity: It signifies natural variations in culture, language, ethnicity, and geography. Diversity does not imply inequality but represents a range of unique characteristics. India, with 22 scheduled languages, showcases diversity without inherent inequalities.
  • Key Difference: While regional disparity indicates unequal development and access to resources, diversity represents differences that enrich a region culturally and socially.

Severity of Regional Disparity in India:

  • Income Inequality: Significant income gaps exist, with Goa’s per capita income at ₹5.20 lakh, much higher than Bihar’s ₹50,735 .
  • Infrastructure Gaps: Northern and eastern states have poor infrastructure compared to southern states. As per the India Infrastructure Report 2023, Punjab has a road density of 133 km/100 sq. km, whereas Assam has only 56 km.
  • Employment Opportunities: Industrialized states like Gujarat have low unemployment rates (2.7%), while states like Jharkhand face over 8% .
  • Educational Disparities: Literacy rates differ, with Kerala at 96.2% and Bihar at 61.8% .
  • Healthcare Access: The NITI Aayog’s Health Index 2023 shows disparities, with Kerala leading and states like Uttar Pradesh lagging behind.


Tackling regional disparity demands decentralized governance, equitable policy-making, and inclusive economic growth strategies to ensure balanced national development.

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