The growth of cabinet system has practically resulted in the marginalisation of the parliamentary supremacy” Elucidate. (150 words)

The Cabinet system in India, a legacy of the British parliamentary model, has evolved to concentrate power in the hands of a few ministers. This shift has gradually marginalized the concept of parliamentary supremacy, affecting democratic accountability.

Marginalisation of Parliamentary Supremacy Due to Cabinet System:

  • Centralization of Power: The Prime Minister and Cabinet possess significant authority, making decisions without adequate parliamentary input, leading to reduced parliamentary oversight.
  • Ordinance Route: Increasing use of ordinances bypasses Parliament, exemplified by the 76 ordinances passed between 2015-2023, undermining the legislative role.
  • Party Whip System: The rigid enforcement of party whips often suppresses independent opinions of MPs, making Parliament a mere rubber stamp for Cabinet decisions.
  • Limited Time for Debates: Crucial bills, like the 2020 Farm Laws, were passed without comprehensive debate, indicating diminishing parliamentary scrutiny.
  • Executive Dominance: The Cabinet often controls parliamentary committees, weakening their role in scrutinizing government policies effectively.

For genuine parliamentary supremacy, India must strengthen institutional checks on the Cabinet’s powers, ensuring enhanced accountability and transparency in decision-making.

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