Describe the context and salient features of the Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023. (150 words)

The Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023, was enacted to safeguard personal data in India’s growing digital ecosystem. It aligns with global data protection standards to address privacy concerns in the era of rapid digital transformation.

Context and Salient Features:

  • Consent-Based Data Processing: Requires explicit consent from individuals before data collection, ensuring transparency and control over personal data.
  • Data Protection Board: Establishes an independent body to monitor compliance, investigate data breaches, and enforce penalties, ensuring accountability.
  • Data Principal Rights: Grants individuals rights like data correction, access, and erasure, empowering them to manage their data.
  • Data Fiduciary Responsibilities: Mandates entities to protect personal data, implement security measures, and notify data breaches within 72 hours.
  • Cross-Border Data Transfer: Permits data transfer to trusted countries, promoting global data exchange while safeguarding privacy.
  • Exemptions for Government: Allows data processing without consent for national security, public order, or emergencies.

Conclusion: The Act ensures robust data privacy, balancing individual rights with digital growth. Proper implementation is essential for its effectiveness.

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