What is disaster resilience? How is it determined? Describe various elements of a resilience framework. Also mention the global targets of Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015-2030). (250 words)

Disaster resilience is the ability of communities and systems to withstand, adapt to, and recover from disasters efficiently. With increasing disaster occurrences, resilience is crucial for minimizing losses and ensuring sustainable development.

What is Disaster Resilience?

  • Definition: It is the capacity to prepare, respond, and recover from disasters, reducing vulnerabilities and impacts.
  • Importance: Enhances quick recovery and supports sustainable development.

How is Disaster Resilience Determined?

  • Risk Assessment: Identifying hazards, vulnerabilities, and coping capacities.
  • Infrastructure Strength: Assessing the resilience of buildings, roads, and utilities.
  • Social Capital: Strong community networks for better resource sharing and support.
  • Adaptive Capacity: Ability to adjust policies and strategies in response to evolving risks.
  • Resource Availability: Access to financial, human, and technological resources.

Various Elements of a Resilience Framework

  • Risk Identification: Identifying hazards and vulnerabilities using advanced tools.
  • Preparedness and Planning: Emergency plans, training, and community awareness.
  • Response Mechanisms: Establishing protocols, communication systems, and resource mobilization.
  • Recovery and Reconstruction: Efficient rehabilitation and restoring systems post-disaster.
  • Institutional Capacity Building: Strengthening governance, policies, and regulations.
  • Inclusivity and Equity: Ensuring all groups, especially marginalized ones, are involved in resilience planning.

Global Targets of Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015-2030)

  1. Reduce global disaster mortality by 2030.
  2. Decrease the number of affected people globally by 2030.
  3. Reduce direct economic losses related to GDP by 2030.
  4. Minimize damage to critical infrastructure and essential services.
  5. Increase countries with disaster risk strategies by 2020.
  6. Enhance international cooperation for developing nations.
  7. Improve access to multi-hazard early warning systems.

Conclusion: Building disaster resilience is key to achieving the Sendai Framework’s targets, ensuring sustainable development and reducing risks globally.

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