With the summer heat being exceptionally severe this year, the district has been facing severe water shortages. The District Collector has been mobilizing his subordinate officials to conserve the remaining water reserves for preventing the district from plunging into an acute drinking water crisis. Along with an awareness campaign for conserving water, strict measures have been taken for stopping the over-exploitation of ground-water. Vigilance teams have been deployed to tour the villages and find the farmers who are drawing water from deep borewells or from the river reservoir for irrigation. The farmers are agitated by such action. A delegation of farmers meets the District Collector with their issues and complains that while they are not being allowed to irrigate their crops, big industries located near the river are drawing huge amounts of water through deep borewells for their industrial processes. The farmers allege that their administration is anti-farmer and corrupt, being bribed by the industry. The district needs to placate the farmers as they are threatening to go on a prolonged protest. At the same time, the District Collector has to deal with the water crisis. The industry cannot be closed as this would result in a large number of workers being unemployed. (250 words)

(a) Discuss all options available to the District Collector as a District Magistrate.

  • Option 1: Enforce Equal Water Restrictions: Impose strict water usage regulations on both farmers and industries, ensuring fair and equitable distribution of available water resources.
  • Option 2: Prioritize Water for Agriculture: Restrict industrial water consumption temporarily and allocate more water to farmers, considering the essential nature of agriculture for food security.
  • Option 3: Provide Alternative Water Sources: Facilitate the use of treated wastewater from industries or set up temporary water storage systems (e.g., water tanks, ponds) for farmers.
  • Option 4: Mediation and Dialogue: Initiate a dialogue between farmers and industry representatives to develop a mutually agreeable water-sharing arrangement.

(b) What suitable actions can be taken in view of mutually compatible interests of the stakeholders?

  • Water Rationing System: Introduce a transparent water rationing system, ensuring both farmers and industries receive an adequate but limited amount of water.
  • Use of Treated Industrial Water: Encourage industries to treat and recycle wastewater, making it available for non-potable agricultural use, reducing the strain on freshwater resources.
  • Implementation of Drip Irrigation: Promote efficient irrigation methods like drip irrigation among farmers, helping them conserve water while still supporting crop growth.
  • Regular Monitoring and Audits: Establish a task force to monitor water usage by both industries and farmers, ensuring compliance with water conservation measures.
  • Subsidies for Rainwater Harvesting: Provide subsidies or incentives for both farmers and industries to set up rainwater harvesting systems, enhancing long-term water availability.

(c) What are the potential administrative and ethical dilemmas for the District Collector?

  • Fair Distribution vs. Economic Impact: Balancing water distribution between agriculture and industry creates a dilemma between supporting farmers’ livelihoods and preventing industrial job losses.
  • Public Perception vs. Effective Governance: Farmers’ allegations of corruption pose a challenge to the District Collector’s credibility and ethical duty to ensure fairness and transparency.
  • Short-term Relief vs. Long-term Sustainability: Immediate water crisis management might conflict with the need for sustainable water resource management, risking long-term damage to the environment.
  • Maintaining Law and Order vs. Addressing Grievances: Addressing the farmers’ agitation while preventing escalation requires balancing empathy with authority to ensure peace and compliance.

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