International Whaling Commission (IWC)

Introduction– Established: 1946.
– Mission: To provide for the proper conservation of whale stocks and thus make possible the orderly development of the whaling industry.
– Scope: Oversees the regulation of whaling activities and addresses conservation issues affecting cetaceans globally.
Objectives– Conservation: Ensure the conservation of whale populations through scientific research and management.
– Regulation: Implement regulations on whaling activities, including catch limits and designated whaling areas.
– Collaboration: Work with member countries and organizations to promote sustainable whaling practices and address emerging threats to cetaceans.
Members (Dec 2024)– Total Members: 88 countries.
– India’s Status: India has been a member since March 9, 1981, and has consistently advocated for whale conservation. (
Reports/Indices– Scientific Committee Reports: Annual publications detailing scientific research and findings related to whale populations and conservation efforts. (
– Conservation Committee Reports: Documents outlining conservation initiatives and management plans for various cetacean species. (
– State of the Cetacean Environment Report (SOCER): Provides assessments of environmental factors impacting cetaceans. (
Instruments– International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling (ICRW): The foundational treaty establishing the IWC and outlining its regulatory framework.
– Schedule to the ICRW: Details specific measures such as catch limits, protected species, and designated whaling areas.
– Rules of Procedure: Governs the operations and decision-making processes of the IWC.
Structure– Commission: The principal decision-making body comprising representatives from all member countries.
– Secretariat: Provides administrative support and facilitates the implementation of IWC decisions.
– Scientific Committee: Conducts research and provides scientific advice on cetacean conservation and management.
Subsidiary Organs– Conservation Committee: Focuses on the development and implementation of conservation initiatives.
– Finance and Administration Committee: Manages financial and administrative matters of the IWC.
Committees– Whale Killing Methods and Welfare Issues Working Group: Addresses humane killing techniques and welfare concerns. (
– Aboriginal Subsistence Whaling Sub-Committee: Oversees whaling activities conducted for indigenous subsistence purposes.
Initiatives– Conservation Management Plans (CMPs): Strategic plans aimed at the recovery of specific whale populations, such as the Western Gray Whale and the South Atlantic Southern Right Whale. (
– Bycatch Mitigation Initiative: Efforts to reduce the incidental capture of cetaceans in fishing operations.
– Strandings Initiative: Provides guidance and support for responding to cetacean strandings globally. (

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