Consider the following pairs:

CountryAnimal found in its natural habitat
1. BrazilIndri
2. IndonesiaElk
3. MadagascarBonobo

How many of the pairs given above are correctly matched?

(a) Only one
(b) Only two
(c) All three
(d) None

Correct Answer: (d) None


  • Pair 1: Brazil – Indri
    • The Indri is native to Madagascar, not Brazil. It is a diurnal tree-dweller and one of the largest living lemurs, found in the lowland and montane forests along the eastern coast of Madagascar.
  • Pair 2: Indonesia – Elk
    • The Elk is found in North America and Central and East Asia, not Indonesia. They inhabit diverse habitats such as coniferous rain forests, prairies, and mountainous areas.
  • Pair 3: Madagascar – Bonobo
    • The Bonobo is found only in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, specifically in the lowland rainforests along the south bank of the Congo River, not Madagascar.

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  • Indri:
    • Habitat: Found in the lowland and montane forests along the eastern coast of Madagascar.
    • Diet: Herbivorous, primarily folivorous, feeding on leaves, seeds, fruits, and flowers.
    • Behavior: Monogamous, lives in small family groups, and communicates through vocalizations.
    • Conservation Status: Critically endangered due to habitat destruction and hunting.
  • Elk:
    • Habitat: Found in North America and Central and East Asia, thriving in diverse habitats such as coniferous rain forests, prairies, and mountainous areas.
    • Diet: Grazes on grasses and sedges, and browses on higher-growing plants, leaves, twigs, and bark.
    • Behavior: Males have large antlers and engage in ritualized mating behaviors; they migrate seasonally.
    • Conservation Status: Listed as least concern by the IUCN.
  • Bonobo:
    • Habitat: Found only in the lowland rainforests along the south bank of the Congo River in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
    • Diet: Primarily frugivorous, eating fruits, vegetation, and occasionally invertebrates.
    • Behavior: Known for their peaceful and egalitarian society, led by females, and use sexual behaviors to maintain social bonds.
    • Conservation Status: Endangered due to habitat destruction and poaching.

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