Consider the following statements:

Statement-I: The Indian Flying Fox is placed under the “vermin” category in the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972.

Statement-II: The Indian Flying Fox feeds on the blood of other animals.

Which one of the following is correct in respect of the above statements?

(a) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement-II explains Statement-I
(b) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct, but Statement-II does not explain Statement-I
(c) Statement-I is correct, but Statement-II is incorrect
(d) Statement-I is incorrect, but Statement-II is correct

Correct Answer: (c) Statement-I is correct, but Statement-II is incorrect

  • Statement-I is correct: The Indian Flying Fox is indeed placed under the “vermin” category in the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972. This classification is due to the damage they cause to fruit orchards and their potential role in spreading diseases like the Nipah virus.
  • Statement-II is incorrect: The Indian Flying Fox does not feed on the blood of other animals. Instead, it has a frugivorous diet, primarily consuming fruits, nectar, and occasionally insects.


  • Option (a): Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement-II explains Statement-I.
    • This option is incorrect because Statement-II is incorrect. The Indian Flying Fox does not feed on blood.
  • Option (b): Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct, but Statement-II does not explain Statement-I.
    • This option is incorrect because Statement-II is incorrect. The Indian Flying Fox is not a blood-feeding species.
  • Option (c): Statement-I is correct, but Statement-II is incorrect.
    • This option is correct. Statement-I is correct as the Indian Flying Fox is classified as vermin, and Statement-II is incorrect as it does not feed on blood.
  • Option (d): Statement-I is incorrect, but Statement-II is correct.
    • This option is incorrect because Statement-I is correct and Statement-II is incorrect.

Learn more

  • Indian Flying Fox (Pteropus giganteus):
    • Classification: It is classified as vermin under the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 due to its impact on fruit orchards and potential disease transmission.
    • Diet: The Indian Flying Fox is frugivorous, feeding on a variety of fruits, nectar, and occasionally insects. It plays a crucial role in pollination and seed dispersal, contributing to ecosystem health.
    • Habitat: Found in tropical regions of South Central Asia, including India, Pakistan, Nepal, and the Maldives. They roost in large colonies in trees near water bodies.
    • Behavior: These bats are nocturnal and highly social, forming large roosts. They exhibit vigilant behavior during the day to watch for dangers.
    • Conservation Status: Despite being considered pests, they are vital for maintaining biodiversity. Their conservation is essential for ecosystem balance.
Reflection in IAS EXPRESS

Prelims Sureshots >> Environment >> Scheduled Animals of WPA 1972


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