Consider the following statements:

  1. There are no parables in Upanishads.
  2. Upanishads were composed earlier than the Puranas.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Correct Answer: (b) 2 only


  • Statement 1: There are no parables in Upanishads.
    • This statement is incorrect. The Upanishads contain several parables. For example, the Chandogya Upanishad includes a parable involving a dialogue between Udhalaka and his son Svetaketu, which illustrates profound philosophical concepts through a simple story about a Nyagrodha (peepal) tree.
  • Statement 2: Upanishads were composed earlier than the Puranas.
    • This statement is correct. The Upanishads were composed between 800 BCE and the start of the Common Era. In contrast, the Puranas were likely composed between the 3rd and 10th centuries CE.

Learn more

  • Upanishads:
    • Definition: The Upanishads are ancient Hindu texts that form the philosophical basis of Hinduism, often referred to as Vedanta, meaning the end of the Vedas.
    • Content: They explore concepts such as Brahman (the ultimate reality) and Atman (the individual soul), and their interconnectedness.
    • Composition: The principal Upanishads were composed between 800 BCE and 500 BCE, with some later ones extending to the start of the Common Era.
    • Influence: They have significantly influenced Hinduism and other Indian religions like Buddhism and Jainism, and have also impacted Western philosophical thought.
  • Puranas:
    • Definition: The Puranas are a genre of ancient Indian literature encompassing mythological stories, traditions, and legends, often with a focus on genealogies and cosmology.
    • Content: They include narratives about the creation of the universe, genealogies of gods, heroes, and sages, and descriptions of Hindu cosmology and geography.
    • Composition: The Puranas were composed over a long period, from the 3rd to the 10th century CE, with some texts undergoing significant redactions and interpolations over time.
    • Significance: They serve as important texts for understanding the cultural and religious history of India and are considered encyclopedic in nature.

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