Discuss the role of the Vice President of India as the chairman of Rajya Sabha. (150 words) [2022]

The Vice President of India serves as the chairman of the Rajya Sabha, which is the upper house of the Parliament of India. The Vice President is elected by the members of the Rajya Sabha and holds office for a term of five years.

As the chairman of the Rajya Sabha, the Vice President has several important responsibilities, including:

  1. Presiding over the sessions of the Rajya Sabha: The Vice President presides over the meetings of the Rajya Sabha and maintains order during the proceedings. He has the power to adjourn the house or to suspend its sitting in the event of disorder.
  2. Maintaining the decorum of the house: The Vice President is responsible for enforcing the rules and procedures of the Rajya Sabha and maintaining the dignity and decorum of the house.
  3. Managing the business of the house: The Vice President is responsible for the allocation of time and the order of business in the Rajya Sabha. He can also refer matters to committees for further consideration.
  4. Voting in the event of a tie: In the event of a tie in the Rajya Sabha, the chairman has the deciding vote.

Overall, the Vice President plays a crucial role in the functioning of the Rajya Sabha as the chairman of the house. He ensures that the proceedings of the house are conducted smoothly and in accordance with the rules and procedures of the house.

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