Distinguish between “Code of ethics” and “Code of conduct” with suitable examples. (150 words)

Codes of ethics and codes of conduct are two important documents that outline the expectations and standards of behavior for public servants. While they may seem similar, there are some key differences between the two.

Code of Ethics:

  • A code of ethics in public administration provides guidance for public servants on the ethical principles that should guide their behavior.
  • It outlines the moral values and ideals that are fundamental to the public service, such as integrity, accountability, and respect for the rule of law.
  • A code of ethics is more general and abstract than a code of conduct and provides a framework for ethical decision-making.
  • Examples of codes of ethics in public administration include the International City/County Management Association Code of Ethics and the Australian Public Service Code of Conduct.

Code of Conduct:

  • A code of conduct in public administration provides specific guidelines on expected behavior and actions that public servants must follow.
  • It outlines the rules and regulations that govern the behavior of public servants, including issues such as conflicts of interest, political neutrality, and use of public resources.
  • A code of conduct is more specific and detailed than a code of ethics and provides clear expectations for public servants.
  • Examples of codes of conduct in public administration include the United States Government Standards of Ethical Conduct and the Ontario Public Service Code of Conduct.

In summary, while a code of ethics provides the foundational principles and values that should guide public servants, a code of conduct outlines specific guidelines and expectations for their behavior. Both codes are essential for ensuring ethical behavior and upholding the public trust in the administration.

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