Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM) – Objectives & Functions

  1. The Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM) is an organization under the Department of Mines, Ministry of Mines, Government of India.
  2. It functions as the apex body for regulating and overseeing the mineral sector in India.
  3. It was established in 1948. It performs regulatory functions with respect to the relevant provisions of Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957
  4. It provides technical and economic advice to the government in the field of mineral exploration, exploitation and conservation.
  5. It performs mineralogical, chemical and physical tests on samples of minerals.
  6. It carries out research and development activities in the field of mineral exploration, exploitation, conservation and utilization.
  7. It monitors the development of mineral resources in the country.
  8. It provides timely and accurate information to the government, industry and other stakeholders on the mineral sector in India.
  9. It acts as a repository for the compilation and dissemination of information related to the mineral sector.
  10. It provides technical and scientific assistance to the government in formulation and implementation of mineral policy.

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