National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) – Objectives, Functions, Powers


  • It is an autonomous body under the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) with the core objective of catalysing the skill development efforts of the government and industry.
  • It has been instrumental in creating a vibrant skilling ecosystem in the country by creating opportunities for the workforce, providing access to quality skilling, and creating a conducive environment for skill development.


  • to promote the skill development of the Indian population.
  • It aims to bring together the government, industry, and other stakeholders to create a collaborative environment for the development and promotion of skills.
  • It also plays a crucial role in creating employment opportunities for the youth by providing them with access to quality skilling and enabling them to attain industry-relevant skills.

Year of Establishment


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The National Skill Development Corporation is an autonomous body under the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE).

Organisation type

The National Skill Development Corporation is registered as not-for-profit public limited company under Section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956.


  • The NSDC is responsible for creating a collaborative environment for the development and promotion of skills.
  • It works with the government and industry to create a conducive environment for skill development.
  • It facilitates access to quality skilling and provides employment opportunities for the youth.
  • It also works towards improving the employability of the workforce.


  • The NSDC is empowered to create and implement skill development policies and programmes.
  • It is also authorized to provide financial assistance to skill development initiatives.


  • The NSDC is limited by the availability of funds and resources.
  • It is also limited by the lack of awareness among the population about the importance of skill development.


  • The NSDC has been instrumental in creating a vibrant skilling ecosystem in the country.
  • It has achieved significant success in creating access to quality skilling, providing employment opportunities for the youth, and improving the employability of the workforce.
  • It has also played a crucial role in improving the skills of the workforce and creating an enabling environment for the growth of the skill development sector.

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