Poverty and malnutrition create a vicious cycle, adversely affecting human capital formation. What steps can be taken to break the cycle ? (150 words)

Poverty and malnutrition are interlinked, leading to poor health, low productivity, and reduced learning, which hinder human capital formation and perpetuate the poverty cycle.

Steps to Break the Vicious Cycle:

  • Nutritional Support Programs: Strengthen schemes like the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) and Poshan Abhiyaan to provide nutritious meals to pregnant women and children.
  • Universal Basic Income (UBI): Introduce UBI for low-income families, ensuring financial stability and better access to nutritious food.
  • Healthcare Access: Expand Ayushman Bharat to include comprehensive nutrition and healthcare services, improving overall health outcomes for the poor.
  • Skill Development and Education: Implement programs like Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) effectively to enhance skills, leading to better job opportunities and income.
  • Agriculture Support: Promote kitchen gardens and biofortified crops to improve nutritional intake in rural households.


A multi-dimensional approach combining nutrition, education, health, and financial support can break the poverty-malnutrition cycle, fostering human capital development.

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