Which one of the following is the exhaust pipe emission from Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles, powered by hydrogen?

(a) Hydrogen peroxide
(b) Hydronium
(c) Oxygen
(d) Water vapour

Correct Answer: (d) Water vapour


  • (a) Hydrogen peroxide: This is not the correct emission from Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs). Hydrogen peroxide is not produced in the electrochemical reaction within the fuel cell.
  • (b) Hydronium: This is also incorrect. Hydronium ions are not emitted from the exhaust of FCEVs.
  • (c) Oxygen: While oxygen is involved in the reaction within the fuel cell, it is not emitted from the exhaust. Instead, it combines with hydrogen to form water.
  • (d) Water vapour: This is the correct answer. The only exhaust emission from FCEVs is water vapor, which is produced as a byproduct of the electrochemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen within the fuel cell.

Learn More

Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs):

  • Power Source: FCEVs are powered by hydrogen, the most abundant element in the universe. Hydrogen is stored in high-pressure tanks within the vehicle.
  • How They Work:
    • Fuel Cell Stack: Hydrogen gas is fed into the fuel cell stack, where it undergoes an electrochemical reaction with oxygen from the air.
    • Electrochemical Reaction: In the fuel cell, hydrogen molecules split into protons and electrons. The electrons travel through an external circuit, generating electricity to power the electric motor. The protons move through the electrolyte membrane and combine with oxygen and electrons at the cathode to form water.
  • Emissions: The only byproduct of this reaction is water vapor, making FCEVs zero-emission vehicles.
  • Efficiency and Performance:
    • Energy Efficiency: FCEVs are more efficient than conventional internal combustion engine vehicles.
    • Refueling Time: They can be refueled in about 3-5 minutes, similar to conventional gasoline vehicles.
    • Driving Range: FCEVs typically have a driving range of over 300 miles on a full tank of hydrogen.
  • Environmental Impact: FCEVs produce no harmful tailpipe emissions, contributing to reduced air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Challenges:
    • Infrastructure: The development of hydrogen refueling infrastructure is still in its early stages, limiting the widespread adoption of FCEVs.
    • Cost: Hydrogen production and storage are currently more expensive compared to other fuels, though costs are expected to decrease with technological advancements and increased production.

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