Which one of the following statements is correct as per the Constitution of India?

(a) Inter-State trade and commerce is a State subject under the State List.
(b) Inter-State migration is a State subject under the State List.
(c) Inter-State quarantine is a Union subject under the Union List.
(d) Corporation tax is a State subject under the State List.

Correct Answer:(c) Inter-State quarantine is a Union subject under the Union List.


  • Option (a): Inter-State trade and commerce is not a State subject under the State List. It falls under the Union List as per the Seventh Schedule of the Indian Constitution, which grants exclusive powers to the Union to legislate on this matter.
  • Option (b): Inter-State migration is not a State subject under the State List. It is also a Union subject under the Union List, which means the central government has the authority to legislate on this matter.
  • Option (c): Inter-State quarantine is indeed a Union subject under the Union List. This means that the central government has the exclusive power to legislate on matters related to inter-state quarantine.
  • Option (d): Corporation tax is not a State subject under the State List. It is a Union subject, meaning the central government has the authority to impose and regulate corporation tax.

Learn more

  • Inter-State Trade and Commerce:
    • Articles 301-307 of the Indian Constitution ensure the freedom of trade, commerce, and intercourse throughout the territory of India.
    • Article 301: Guarantees that trade, commerce, and intercourse throughout India shall be free from restrictions.
    • Article 302: Allows Parliament to impose restrictions on trade, commerce, or intercourse between states in the public interest.
    • Article 303: Prohibits both Parliament and state legislatures from making laws that give preference to one state over another or discriminate between states, except in cases of scarcity of goods.
    • Article 304: Permits state legislatures to impose taxes on goods imported from other states, provided they do not discriminate against goods from other states and are in the public interest.
    • Article 305: Protects existing laws and state monopolies from being affected by Articles 301 and 303, unless directed otherwise by the President.
    • Article 307: Empowers Parliament to appoint an authority to ensure the provisions of Articles 301-304 are carried out effectively.
  • Inter-State Migration:
    • Article 19(1)(e) of the Indian Constitution guarantees the right to reside and settle in any part of the territory of India, subject to reasonable restrictions in the interest of the general public or protection of any scheduled tribe.
    • The Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1979 provides protections for inter-state migrant workers, including licensing of contractors, registration of workers, and guidelines for wages and accommodations.
  • Inter-State Quarantine:
    • Union List: Includes inter-state quarantine, giving the central government the authority to legislate on matters related to quarantine and public health emergencies that affect multiple states.
  • Corporation Tax:
    • Defined under Article 366(6) of the Indian Constitution as a tax on the income of companies, which is exclusively under the jurisdiction of the central government.

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