Why do large cities tend to attract more migrants than smaller towns? Discuss in the light of conditions in developing countries. (150 words)

Large cities in developing countries attract more migrants than smaller towns due to various socio-economic factors and opportunities. This trend is driven by the promise of better living standards, employment prospects, and access to services.

Economic Opportunities

  • Job Availability: Large cities offer diverse employment opportunities in industries and services, attracting job seekers from rural areas.
  • Higher Wages: Urban areas typically provide higher wages compared to rural regions, incentivizing migration.

Social Factors

  • Education and Healthcare: Cities provide better access to education and healthcare facilities, which are often lacking in smaller towns.
  • Cultural Diversity: Urban areas offer exposure to diverse cultures and lifestyles, appealing to young migrants.

Infrastructure and Services

  • Transportation Networks: Well-developed transport systems in cities facilitate easier movement and connectivity.
  • Urban Amenities: Access to amenities such as shopping centers, entertainment, and public services attracts migrants.

Challenges in Smaller Towns

  • Limited Growth: Smaller towns often lack industrial growth and infrastructure development, pushing residents towards cities.
  • Resource Constraints: Limited resources and opportunities in smaller towns fail to retain the local population.

In conclusion, enhancing infrastructure and economic opportunities in smaller towns can help balance migration patterns.

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