India Unveils Scheme to Boost Pulses Output

India Unveils Scheme to Boost Pulses Output mind map
Recent News
Aim: Increase domestic pulses production
Reduce: Import dependence
Pulses in focus: Tur, Masur, Urad
Current Import: 30-35 lakh tonnes annually
Announced: February 17, 2024
Need: Self-sufficiency in pulses
Address: Protein security for the nation
Minimize: Import expenses
National Food Security Mission (NFSM)-Pulses
Operates in: 28 States, 2 Union Territories
Key Interventions
Assistance: To farmers via States/UTs
Cluster Demonstrations: Improved practices
Seed Production: Distribution of HYVs/hybrids
Improved Machinery/Tools: For farming
Efficient Water Tools: Application
Plant Protection: Measures
Nutrient Management: Soil ameliorants
Processing: Post-harvest equipment
Training: Cropping system-based
Seed Hubs: 150 established
Output: 1 lakh quintals quality seeds since 2016-17
ICAR's Role
Research: Basic, strategic on pulses
Collaboration: With State Agricultural Universities
Development: High-yielding varieties, production packages
Achievement: 343 high-yielding varieties/hybrids since 2014
Geographic Focus
States: All across India
Union Territories: Including Jammu & Kashmir, Ladakh
Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare: Leading NFSM-Pulses
Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs): Skilling pulse growers
Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR): Research, variety development
Involve: Public seed corporations, seed societies, private companies
Remunerative Prices: Fix MSP considering cultivation costs, yield variability
Effective Procurement: Accessibility for growers
Skilling Growers: Using KVKs
Crop Insurance: Enhance efficiency, coverage
Area Expansion: Target fallow, wastelands
Farmers' Producer Organization: On pulses
Farm Equipment: Customization, development
Storage/Warehousing: Set up in rural areas
International Trade: Predictive tools for demand/supply
Cultivar Development: Short-duration, pest-resistant
Public Distribution System: Integration of pulses
Protein Security: Ensuring for poor households
Economic Benefits: Farmers, seed companies
Sustainable Agriculture: Nitrogen saving, reduced fertilizer use
Crop Risks: Pests, diseases, climatic variations
Implementation: Across diverse geographic regions
Way Forward
Holistic Approach: Needed for effective implementation
Focus: Good agronomic practices, adapting to climatic changes

This scheme is an ambitious step towards enhancing India’s pulses production, leveraging various strategic approaches from short-term to long-term. The involvement of key organizations like the Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Krishi Vigyan Kendras, and the Indian Council of Agricultural Research highlights the scheme’s comprehensive nature. It aims to address the challenges of protein security, economic development, and sustainable agriculture practices in India.

In summary, India’s scheme to boost pulses output is a multi-faceted initiative aiming to enhance domestic production of pulses such as tur, masur, and urad. By involving a range of stakeholders and employing various strategies, the scheme seeks to reduce import dependence, ensure protein security, and promote sustainable agricultural practices.

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