Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA)

Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA)
Recent studies
Clearer picture of sun’s magnetic field
Influence on interplanetary magnetic space
Study findings
Step closer to identifying source of solar mean magnetic field (SMMF)
Mean value of line-of-sight (LOS) component of solar vector magnetic field
Averaged over visible hemisphere
Relationship with Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF)
Extension of coronal magnetic field
Dragged by solar wind to interplanetary space
Direct path between two points
Similarity between SMMF at
Chromospheric heights
Photospheric heights
Chromospheric SMMF value is lower than photospheric SMMF
Possibility of primordial magnetic field as source of SMMF
Data technique
Calculation and analysis of SMMF
Magnetic field measurements at
A reddish gaseous layer above photosphere of the sun
Visible surface of the Sun
Electrical currents generated by hot, ionised gases in sun’s convection zone
Convection zone
Outermost layer of interior portion of sun
Extended to about 200,000 km
Solar Mean Magnetic Field (SMMF)
Mean value of LOS component of solar vector magnetic field
Averaged over visible hemisphere of the sun
Magnetic field generated by electrical currents
Acts as a magnetic dynamo inside the sun
Studies confined to magnetic field measurements at photosphere
Understanding source of SMMF and driving parameters
Helps in understanding SMMF effect on IMF
Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA)
Premier institute for research in
Related physics
Historical background
Origins in observatory set up in Madras, 1786
Formal function at Nungambakkam, Madras Observatory, 1792
Observatory moved to Kodaikanal, 1899
Kodaikanal Observatory became autonomous, Indian Institute of Astrophysics, 1971
HQ: Bengaluru
Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology
Funding: Department of Science and Technology
Main observing facilities
Vainu Bappu Observatory at Kavalur
Main optical observatory
For nighttime astronomy since late 1960s
Several telescopes in operation
Foremost being the 2.34-metre Vainu Bappu Telescope
Kodaikanal Observatory
Principal centre of activity in observational solar and atmospheric physics

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