[Newsbits] 04.08.2023

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Yenadi Community

The Yenadi community, also known as Yanadi, is a Scheduled Tribe residing in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India. Despite their significance as the largest tribal group among the 34 tribal communities in the state, the Yenadi people often remain overlooked and less visible in the mainstream.

The Yenadi People: Traditional Semi-Nomadic Forest Subsistence

The Yenadi people have a rich cultural heritage that revolves around a traditional semi-nomadic forest subsistence lifestyle. They rely on various activities for their livelihood, including hunting, fishing, and gathering nuts, yams, and roots from the forest.

Significance and Population

The Yenadi community holds significant importance due to its substantial population among the 34 tribal groups in Andhra Pradesh. Despite their sizable presence, they often face socio-economic challenges and are marginalized in their own state.

Geographical Location

The Yenadi community primarily resides in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Gulf Stream

A recent Nature Communications study has raised concerns about the potential collapse of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC), a critical component of the Thermohaline Circulation.

The Gulf Stream as Part of Thermohaline Circulation

The Gulf Stream is a key element of the Thermohaline Circulation, also known as the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). This global-scale ocean conveyor belt is primarily driven by temperature and salinity differences in the oceans.

Significance of the Gulf Stream

Oceanic Mixing and Energy Distribution

The Gulf Stream plays a pivotal role in ensuring that the world's oceans mix effectively. Its warm waters carry heat and energy from the equator to the poles, contributing to the global distribution of heat and energy.

Climate Regulation

The flow of the Gulf Stream has a significant impact on the current climate patterns. It plays a critical role in making Western Europe's climate much warmer than it would be otherwise, given its northern latitude.

How the Gulf Stream Works

The Gulf Stream operates through a complex process:

  1. Warm water flows from the equator towards the poles, where it cools and evaporates, increasing the water's salt content.
  2. The combination of low temperature and high salt content increases the water's density, causing it to sink deep into the oceans.
  3. The slow movement of cold, dense water carries it back towards the surface in a process known as upwelling.
  4. As the upwelled water returns to the surface, it warms up again.
  5. This circular movement of water completes the circulation pattern of the Gulf Stream.

Geographical Path of the Gulf Stream

The Gulf Stream originates at the tip of Florida and flows as a warm and swift current along the eastern coastline of the United States and Canada. It then crosses the Atlantic Ocean, moving towards Europe.

CHD1L gene

Recent studies have revealed an exciting discovery related to the Chromodomain Helicase DNA Binding Protein 1 Like gene (CHD1L). This gene variant appears to have a significant impact on controlling HIV in people of African origin. Understanding the role of the CHD1L gene in HIV-1 viral load reduction could have far-reaching implications for HIV management, especially in regions with a high burden of the disease.

The CHD1L Gene and Its Function

The CHD1L gene is responsible for providing instructions to proteins involved in repairing DNA damage. Proper DNA repair is crucial for maintaining the integrity and stability of the genome, preventing mutations that can lead to various diseases, including cancer.

Significance of the CHD1L Gene Variant

Presence in African Population

The CHD1L gene variant is found predominantly in people of African ancestry. This discovery highlights the importance of conducting diverse genetic studies to capture the unique genetic makeup of different populations.

Link to Reduced HIV-1 Viral Load

HIV-1 is the most common and virulent type of HIV, affecting millions of people worldwide. The CHD1L gene variant has been linked to a significant reduction in the viral load of HIV-1 in affected individuals. This finding suggests that the gene variant may play a critical role in controlling the replication and spread of the virus.

The Ongoing HIV-1 Challenge

HIV-1 remains a global health challenge, with approximately 37.7 million people living with the virus. Despite advances in treatment and prevention, the decline in new HIV cases has slowed since 2005. In 2021 alone, there were 1.5 million new infections and 650,000 AIDS-related deaths, emphasizing the urgent need for effective interventions.

Underrepresentation of African Populations in Genetic Studies

African populations bear the highest burden of HIV, yet they are often underrepresented in human DNA studies. This disparity hinders the understanding of genetic factors influencing disease susceptibility and treatment responses in these populations. The discovery of the CHD1L gene variant underscores the significance of inclusive research to address health disparities.

The CHD1L Gene and Its Impact

The CHD1L gene variant appears to hold promise as a potential avenue for targeted HIV-1 treatment strategies. By understanding the mechanisms through which this gene influences viral load reduction, researchers may develop more effective therapies for individuals of African origin and beyond.


The CHD1L gene's discovery and its association with reduced HIV-1 viral load in people of African ancestry mark a significant step forward in HIV research. Understanding the genetic basis of disease outcomes is crucial for developing personalized and effective treatment approaches. As the global fight against HIV continues, inclusive and diverse genetic studies will be essential to ensure equitable healthcare for all populations, particularly those most affected by the disease. The CHD1L gene may offer new hope for improved HIV management and contribute to the ongoing efforts to control and ultimately eliminate HIV as a public health threat.

Ban on Ketoprofen & Aceclofenac

Experts have welcomed the ban imposed by the Centre on the manufacture, sale, and distribution of ketoprofen and aceclofenac.

The Centre's Ban on Ketoprofen and Aceclofenac

Under Section 26A of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940, the Centre has implemented a ban on the manufacture, sale, and distribution of ketoprofen and aceclofenac. These drugs, which are commonly used to alleviate pain and inflammation, have also been employed in veterinary medicine.

The Significance for Vulture Conservation

The ban on ketoprofen and aceclofenac is primarily aimed at conserving vulture populations, which have been severely impacted by the use of another NSAID called diclofenac. The use of diclofenac in veterinary medicine led to a catastrophic decline in vulture numbers, particularly affecting three main species: Oriental white-backed vultures, long-billed vultures, and slender-billed vultures.

The Tragic Impact of Diclofenac on Vultures

In the 1990s, India experienced a crash in vulture populations due to the use of diclofenac in treating cattle. Vultures, who feed on treated cattle carcasses, suffered painful deaths, leading to a staggering 97% decline in their population until 2004.

Vulture Recovery Plan

In 2004, a Vulture Recovery Plan was put into action, which involved banning the veterinary use of diclofenac, finding suitable substitutes for the drug, and setting up vulture conservation breeding centers. This plan was later incorporated into the Action Plan for Vulture Conservation in 2006.

The Ban on Diclofenac and the Role of Meloxicam

In 2006, diclofenac's veterinary use was banned and gazetted in 2008. In its place, experts recommended the use of another drug called meloxicam, which was considered safer for vultures. Additionally, the vial size of diclofenac for human use was restricted to minimize its availability for veterinary purposes.

Nimesulide - Another Known Toxic Drug

Apart from diclofenac, nimesulide is another drug known for its toxicity to vultures. While it has not been included in the recent ban, its potential impact on vulture populations remains a concern.

How Ketoprofen and Aceclofenac Affect Vultures

The ban on ketoprofen and aceclofenac stems from their conversion to diclofenac in animals' bodies. Diclofenac, as mentioned earlier, has been found to have prolonged presence in the vultures' bodies, leading to severe toxicity and death.

In conclusion, the ban on ketoprofen and aceclofenac is a crucial step towards vulture conservation. By eliminating these drugs, which can harm vultures when consumed through contaminated carcasses, India takes significant action to protect these vital scavengers in its ecosystem. The decision highlights the importance of safeguarding wildlife and promoting safer alternatives to protect the delicate balance of nature.


Iraq joins the league of countries that have successfully eliminated trachoma. This milestone comes as part of Iraq's National Trachoma Program, which was initiated in 2012.

What is Trachoma?

Trachoma is a bacterial disease caused by Chlamydia trachomatis that affects the eyes. It is characterized by several stages of inflammation, eyelid scarring, in-turned eyelashes (trichiasis), and corneal clouding (opacity). If left untreated, it can lead to blindness.

Symptoms of Trachoma

  • Mild itching and eye irritation
  • Photophobia (light sensitivity)
  • Swollen eyelids
  • Pus draining from eyes
  • Blindness if untreated

The Significance of Trachoma

Trachoma is a neglected tropical disease and the leading cause of infectious blindness in the world. It poses a significant public health challenge, particularly in regions with poor access to healthcare and sanitation.

How Does Trachoma Spread?

Trachoma is highly contagious and spreads through contact with the eye or nasal discharge of infected individuals. The disease is prevalent in areas with poor sanitation and crowded living conditions.

The 5 Stages of Trachoma (as classified by WHO)

  1. Inflammation — Follicular: Early infection with five or more follicles on the inner surface of the upper eyelid.
  2. Inflammation — Intense: The eye becomes highly infectious, with irritation, thickening, and swelling of the upper eyelid.
  3. Eyelid Scarring: Repeated infections lead to scarring, which is visible as white lines on the eyelid. This can lead to the distortion and entropion of the eyelid.
  4. In-turned Eyelashes (Trichiasis): Scarring causes the eyelashes to turn inward, scratching the cornea and potentially leading to vision impairment.
  5. Corneal Clouding (Opacity): The cornea becomes affected by inflammation and scratching, leading to clouding and further vision impairment.

Prevention of Trachoma

Trachoma can be prevented through various measures, as there is no vaccine available for the disease. The World Health Organization (WHO) advocates the use of the SAFE strategy:

  • Surgery: For advanced forms of trachoma, surgery may be required to correct eyelid deformities caused by scarring.
  • Antibiotics: Treatment and prevention of trachoma can be achieved through the use of antibiotics, such as azithromycin, which help in reducing the infection.
  • Facial Cleanliness: Promoting face and hand hygiene can help in reducing the spread of the disease.
  • Environmental Improvements: Ensuring access to clean water, proper waste management, and controlling fly populations can help in preventing trachoma.

Countries Eliminating Trachoma

Iraq's achievement marks the 50th country to eliminate one neglected tropical disease, and it sets the pace towards the World Health Organization's target of eliminating trachoma in 100 countries by 2030. Other countries that have successfully eliminated trachoma include:

  • Benin
  • Cambodia
  • China
  • Gambia
  • Ghana
  • Islamic Republic of Iran
  • Lao People’s Democratic Republic
  • Malawi
  • Mali
  • Mexico
  • Morocco
  • Myanmar
  • Nepal
  • Oman
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Togo
  • Vanuatu

Trachoma in Iraq

Iraq's National Trachoma Programme, initiated in 2012, has been successful in eliminating trachoma from the country. As the 50th country to achieve this milestone, Iraq's efforts are commendable in the fight against neglected tropical diseases.

Global Efforts Against Trachoma

The fight against trachoma is ongoing, with various countries and international organizations actively working to combat the disease. Through the implementation of the SAFE strategy and promoting better hygiene and sanitation, trachoma's prevalence can be reduced, leading to a healthier world with improved vision for millions of people.


Trachoma, a bacterial eye disease, has been a leading cause of preventable blindness worldwide. However, recent efforts by countries like Iraq, along with the support of the World Health Organization, have shown that this disease can be eliminated through proactive measures. By continuing to implement preventive strategies and ensuring access to proper healthcare and sanitation, we can pave the way towards a trachoma-free world, where preventable blindness is a thing of the past.

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