[Newsbits] 23.11.2023

newsbits mindmap notes

UNEP’s 14th Emissions Gap Report 2023

UNEP’s 14th Emissions Gap Report 2023 mind map
Unmet Climate Contributions and Rising Temperatures
Projects warming of 2.5°C by 2030
Current policy scenarios indicate potential rise of 3°C
Alarming Climate Records and Emission Trends
Surge in climate records
Global emissions peaked at 57.4 gigatonnes in 2022
GHG Emissions and Fossil Fuel Dependency
Two-thirds of emissions from fossil fuels
Reducing fossil fuel production crucial
Inequalities in Climate Contributions
Stark inequalities in contributions
United States, European Union, China responsible for disproportionate share
Mixed Progress in G20 Economies
Policy developments present mixed progress
United States' Inflation Reduction Act aids in reaching NDC goals
Challenges in European Union with investments in fossil gas infrastructure
Low Confidence in Net Zero Targets
Concerns about diversity and implementation of Net Zero pledges
Low confidence among G20 members
Urgent Need for Clean Energy Access
Over 2.4 billion people lack clean cooking sources
775 million lack electricity
Challenges in low- and lower-middle-income countries
Carbon Dioxide Removal Strategies
Necessity of carbon dioxide removal strategies
Comparison of existing and emerging CDR approaches

Cosmic Vine

Cosmic Vine mind map
The "Cosmic Vine" Discovery
Spans more than 13 million light-years
Approximately 650,000 light-years wide
Detected in Extended Groth Strip
Redshift of roughly 3.44
Galactic Clusters and Cosmic Mysteries
Evolving into a galaxy cluster
Estimated mass of about 260 billion solar masses
Galactic Collisions and Star Formation Quenching
Recent galactic mergers triggered intense star formation
Depletion of available gas for star formation
Unusual discovery prompts questions about universe

ICMR Study Finds No Link Between COVID-19 Vaccines and Sudden Deaths

ICMR Study Finds No Link Between COVID-19 Vaccines and Sudden Deaths mind map
Reduction in Sudden Deaths Risk Post-Vaccination
Significant reduction among vaccinated individuals
Exoneration of Vaccines Amidst Apprehensions
Addresses concerns and reports linking deaths to vaccination
Provides reassurance against concerns
Impact of Severe COVID-19 on Sudden Death Risk
Severe COVID-19 increases risk of sudden deaths
Identification of Other Sudden Death Risk Factors
Family history of sudden death
Smoking, binge drinking
Vigorous intensity exercises
Consistency with Known Risk Factors
Aligns with established knowledge
Factors associated with sudden deaths
COVID-19’s Impact on Heart Health
Potentially contributes to heart disease and stroke
Attacks heart muscle cells and blood vessel linings
Comprehensive ICMR Studies on COVID-19
Emphasizes commitment to understanding COVID-19 impact
Investigates outcomes of COVID-19 hospitalizations
Studies clotting events following vaccination

ICRA Forecasts Sequential Moderation in India’s GDP Growth to 7% in Q2 FY2024

ICRA Forecasts Sequential Moderation in India’s GDP Growth to 7% in Q2 FY2024 mind map
Gross Value Added (GVA) Growth Estimates
GVA growth anticipated to ease to 6.8%
Services sector and agriculture contributing to deceleration
Factors Impacting Future Growth
Uneven rainfall
Narrowing commodity price differentials
Potential slowdown in government capex
Weak external demand
Cumulative impact of monetary tightening
Full-Year GDP Growth Estimate and Investment Activity
Full-year GDP growth estimate maintained at 6.0%
Robust investment activity in Q2 FY2024
Industrial GVA Growth and Sectoral Performance
Industrial GVA growth estimated at 6.6%
Driven by manufacturing, electricity, and mining
Services and Agriculture GVA Growth Expectations
Services GVA growth projected at 8.2%
Agriculture growth estimated at 1.0%
Forward-Looking Concerns and Conclusion
Concerns about uneven rainfall, commodity prices
Low confidence in Net Zero targets among G20 members
Urgent need for clean energy access

Vir Das Wins Emmy Award

Vir Das Wins Emmy Award mind map
Indian comedian Vir Das
Won International Emmy Award
For Netflix show "Vir Das: Landing on Monday"
First Indian to win in comedy category
Shared honor
With British series Derry Girls Season 3
Ekta Kapoor Receives Directorate Award
Producer, filmmaker, co-founder of Balaji Telefilms
Received Directorate Award
At International Emmy Awards
Outstanding contributions to international television
Understanding the Emmy Awards
Prestigious accolades
Recognizing excellence
In television and emerging media
Differ from Oscars and Golden Globes
Focus solely on television and related media
Conceived in 1948
First ceremony on January 25, 1949
Featured six awards
Including Most Outstanding Television Personality
Presented in various categories
International Emmy Awards
Primetime Emmy Awards
News and documentary
Technology and engineering
Regional awards
Primetime Emmys honor
American shows aired during primetime
International Emmys celebrate
Global productions
Daytime Emmys focus on
American shows aired during late-morning and afternoon
Regional Emmys recognize
Excellence in state-to-state programming, local news, and locally produced shows
Organizations Behind Emmy Awards
Three sister organizations
Television Academy
Oversees Primetime Emmy Awards
National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences
Manages daytime, sports, news, and documentary categories
International Academy of Television Arts & Sciences
Responsible for International Emmys
Each organization has
Membership of television professionals
Deciding award recipients
Origins of the Name ‘Emmy’
Named "Emmy" as a reference to the award
Originally intended to be "Immy"
Derived from image-orthicon camera tube
Modified to "Emmy" for a feminine touch
Statuette symbolizes
"Winged muse of art uplifting the electron of science"

INS Sumedha

INS Sumedha mind map
INS Sumedha
Made port call to Maputo, Mozambique
Part of extended operational deployment to Africa
Strengthening Diplomatic Relations Through Port Call
Objectives include
Reinforcing long-standing diplomatic relations
Enhancing maritime cooperation
Boosting interoperability between Indian and Mozambican navies
Scheduled activities from November 23 to 25, 2023
Encompass professional interactions, cross-deck visits, planning conferences, joint EEZ surveillance
Visit marked by
Courtesy calls by commanding officer
On various dignitaries and government officials of Mozambique
Notable figures include
Navy Commandant, the Mozambique Navy, and the Mayor of Maputo City
Solidifying Bilateral Relations
Between India and Mozambique
Share common values
Democracy, development, secularism
Regular high-level exchanges
Across various fields
Bilateral defense cooperation
Progressing through regular JDWG meetings
Building Bridges of Friendship through Naval Deployments
Indian Navy consistently deploys ships
Strengthen international cooperation
With friendly nations
Deployment of INS Sumedha
Testament to India’s commitment
Building "bridges of friendship"
Fostering global collaboration
INS Sumedha: A Pillar of Eastern Fleet’s Capabilities
Part of Indian Navy's eastern fleet
Based at Visakhapatnam
Operates under command of
Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Eastern Naval Command
Equipped with
Advanced weapon systems, sensors
State-of-the-art navigation and communication systems
Electronic warfare suits
Past roles include
Fleet support, coastal and offshore patrolling
Ocean surveillance
Humanitarian assistance disaster relief (HADR) missions
Contributes significantly
To Indian Navy’s regional security
International cooperation

ASEAN-India Millets Festival

ASEAN-India Millets Festival mind map
Five-day “ASEAN-India Millets Festival”
In Jakarta, Indonesia
Aimed at raising awareness
About millets as farmer-friendly, sustainable food choice
Organized by
Indian Mission to ASEAN
Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare
Features millet-centric exhibition
Participation from
Millet-based FPOs
Indian chefs
Objectives of the Festival
Promoting Millets
Create market for millets
Among 10-member ASEAN bloc
Fostering awareness and understanding
Benefits of millets
Culinary Diversity
Celebrate cultural and culinary diversity
Showcasing sustainable millet practices
For healthier future
Significance and Context
Food Security
Aligns with joint statements
During ASEAN-India Summit
Emphasizing food security
Recognizes millets
As important for ensuring food security
Comprehensive Strategic Partnership
Reflects collaboration within partnership
Between ASEAN and India
International Year of Millets
India led UN General Assembly Resolution
Declaring 2023 as ‘International Year of Millets’
Aims to
Address food security challenges
Promote sustainable millet production
Highlight potential for new market opportunities
Millets as a Sustainable Solution
Can grow on arid lands
With minimal inputs
Resilient to climate change
Offer sustainable solution
For countries to increase self-sufficiency
Reduce dependence on imported cereal grains
Live Cooking Workshop and Exhibitions
Includes live cooking workshop
Featuring celebrity chefs
From India and Indonesia
Showcasing culinary potential of millets
Exhibition features
Millet-based FPOs
Indian chefs
Presenting variety of millet-added products
Collaborative Efforts
Provides platform for collaboration
Between ASEAN countries
Promoting exchange of ideas
Cultural diversity
Sustainable millet practices
Global Impact
India’s proactive efforts
Promote millets nationally and internationally
Contribute to
Addressing global hunger
Promoting nutrient-rich foods
Supporting environmentally sustainable agriculture practices


AUSTRAHIND-23 mind map
Indian Armed Forces contingent
81 personnel
Departed for Australia
To participate in AUSTRAHIND-23
Second edition of Joint Military Exercise
Taking place in Perth, Australia
From November 22 to December 6
Ministry of Defence (MoD) highlighted
Exercise aims to
Facilitate exchange of ideas
Joint rehearsal of tactics, techniques, procedures
For tactical operations
Training Objectives and Curriculum
Includes various aspects
Such as sniper firing
Joint operation of surveillance and communication equipment
Enhance situational awareness
Casualty management, evacuation procedures
Tactical actions at Company/Battalion levels
Strengthens understanding and cooperation
Between Indian and Australian militaries
Promoting Defense Cooperation
MoD emphasizes exercise serves to
Promote collaborative partnerships
Share best practices
Enhance interoperability
Between two armed forces
Participants engage in multi-domain operations
In urban and semi-urban terrains
Aligning with Chapter VII of United Nations on peacekeeping operations
Composition of the Contingent
Indian Army contingent
60 personnel from Battalion of GORKHA Rifles
Indian Navy
One officer
Indian Air Force
20 personnel
Australian side
60 personnel from 13th Brigade
20 members each from Royal Australian Navy and Royal Australian Air Force
Annual Training Event
Established in 2022
Inaugural edition in Mahajan, Rajasthan, India
Designed to be annual training event
Alternately conducted in India and Australia
Fostering ongoing cooperation and understanding
Between armed forces of two friendly nations

Ayurveda Gyan Naipunya Initiative (AGNI)

Ayurveda Gyan Naipunya Initiative (AGNI) mind map
Central Council for Research in Ayurveda Sciences (CCRAS)
Under Ministry of Ayush
Introduced “Ayurveda Gyan Naipunya Initiative” (AGNI)
Bolster research, scientific validation
Evidence-based practices in Ayurveda
Invites qualified Ayurveda practitioners
To express interest
Contributing to project by submitting Expression of Interest
By December 15, 2023
Aims of AGNI Project
Outlined by Prof Rabinarayanan Acharya, Director General of CCRAS
Create platform for Ayurveda practitioners
Share innovative practices, experiences
In treating various disease conditions
Foster culture of evidence-based practice
Among Ayurveda practitioners
Undertake research
Mainstream pragmatic practices
Through scientific validation, evidence-based appraisal
Process and Collaboration
Interested Ayurveda practitioners
Submit Expression of Interest
Using format available on CCRAS website
Plans to document and publish reported medical practices
For educational and academic purposes
Consultation with National Council for Indian Systems of Medicine (NCISM)
Further research studies
Conducted by CCRAS
To scientifically validate and mainstream reported medical practices
In collaboration with practitioners, relevant institutes/organizations
Scope and Impact
Over 500,000 registered Ayurveda practitioners
AGNI aims to harness knowledge and experience
Within Ayurveda community
Aligns with CCRAS’s commitment
Promoting research on scientific lines in Ayurveda
Follows other recent programs by CCRAS
Global Recognition of Ayurveda
Ayurveda interventions successful
In managing new disease conditions
Acute and chronic
Not explicitly addressed in classical Ayurvedic texts
Gained global recognition
Particularly for efficacy in managing adverse effects
Of synthetic drugs and procedures
AGNI initiative contributes to
Growth and recognition of evidence-based Ayurvedic practices
On global stage

Antarctic Ozone Hole Grows Larger and Thinner, Defying Recovery Trends

Antarctic Ozone Hole Grows Larger and Thinner, Defying Recovery Trends mind map
Study reveals changes in Antarctic ozone hole
Significant increase in size
Concerning thinning trend
During most of spring
Despite earlier signs of recovery since 2000s
Expanded notably in last four years
Highlighted in study published in Nature Communications
Unprecedented Growth and Thinning
Antarctic ozone hole
Once on path to recovery
Experienced substantial expansion and thinning
Reduction in ozone concentration
At center of ozone hole
Indicating significant thinning of ozone layer
Extended Large Holes Since 2020
Ozone layer anticipated to recover within four decades
Ozone hole showed remarkable enlargement
In years 2020-2022
Extent and duration of ozone hole in 2022
Similar to large holes in 2020 and 2021
Trend persisted into 2023
With NASA reporting 16th largest hole on record
Unraveling the Causes
Analysts investigating factors
Influencing ozone hole’s size and behavior
Considered factors
Meteorological conditions, springtime temperature
Wind patterns, aerosols from wildfires and volcanic eruptions
Changes in solar cycle
Suggests other complex factors may be at play
Intricate Links to Climate Dynamics
Antarctic ozone hole’s fluctuations
Connected to climate and dynamics of Southern Hemisphere
Recent large ozone holes impacted trends toward recovery
Prompting investigation into worsening depletion
Unanswered Questions and Future Research
Need for further research
Understand mechanisms influencing Antarctic ozone hole
Investigate descent of air from mesosphere
Explore impact on ozone chemistry
Determine potential effects on ozone hole’s future
Montreal Protocol and Ongoing Challenges
Reduction of nearly 99% of banned ozone-depleting substances
As per 2022 Montreal Protocol assessment
Ozone hole’s unexpected growth raises concerns
Urgency of unraveling dynamics
To better comprehend and address challenges

Mythimna separata

Mythimna separata mind map
Severe pest infestation in Assam
Affected approximately 28,000 hectares of paddy crops
Across at least 15 districts
Crops on verge of maturity and ready for harvest
Fell victim to Mythimna separata
Known as ear head cutting caterpillar, rice ear-cutting caterpillar, or armyworm
Pest Behavior and Impact
Mythimna separata
Feeds on leaves, cuts off panicles at base of crop plants
Leaves fields resembling areas grazed by livestock
Rapid multiplication during outbreak
Forming swarms, moving from field to field
Climate Change Connection
Increased temperatures and dry conditions
Favorable for rapid proliferation of pest populations
Temperatures in seven districts above normal
In Guwahati, maximum temperature 31.4 degrees Celsius
4.5 degrees above normal average
Global Climate Change Impact on Pests
Warming world influences spread and behavior of pests and diseases
2017 study highlighted
Small rises in global temperatures
Lead to reduction in insect lifecycle
Higher pest populations, increased generations
Expanded geographical range, extended development season
Assam’s Crop Catastrophe and Future Concerns
Reports of damage by ear head cutting caterpillar since 2016
Current infestation unprecedented in scale and timing
Attack occurred at final stage of crop development
Leaving no room for recovery
Farmers across half of state suffered substantial losses


Amyloidosis mind map
Scientists from Institute of Advanced Study in Science and Technology, Guwahati (IASST)
Under Department of Science and Technology (DST) in North-East India
Successfully fabricated 2D protein monolayer
Using lysozyme molecules
Crucial protein in mucosal secretions
Principal component of airway fluid
Model protein for understanding diseases like Amyloidosis
Understanding Amyloidosis: A Rare Disease with Multi-Organ Impact
Amyloidosis characterized by accumulation of amyloid in organs
Adversely affects functioning of vital organs
Heart, kidneys, liver, spleen, nervous system, digestive tract
Leads to multi-organ dysfunction
Lysozyme as a Model Protein in Disease Study
Lysozyme’s role in studying Amyloidosis
Misfolding and agglomeration of lysozyme molecules
Implicated in development of Amyloidosis
Valuable subject for scientific inquiry
Innovative Fabrication of 2D Protein Monolayer
Led by Dr. Sarathi Kundu, Associate Professor at IASST
Collaboration with junior Research Fellow Himadri Nath
Fabrication of 2D protein monolayer
Assembling lysozyme molecules at air-water and air-solid interfaces
Employed Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) technique
Insights into Lysozyme Behavior
Study published in RSC Advances under RSC publishers
Explored physical properties of lysozyme molecules
Compressible behavior of lysozyme monolayers
Formation of stripe-like domains with increasing surface pressure
Investigated under varying subphase pH conditions
Provided insights into structural, conformational changes of lysozyme molecules
Applications and Future Implications
Closely packed lysozyme monolayers
Exciting avenue for studying chemical, physical properties in 2D protein environment
Deposited LB films of lysozyme
Potential as protein nanotemplates
Opportunities for crystallization of proteins of interest

New Music Frog Species Discovered in Arunachal Pradesh

New Music Frog Species Discovered in Arunachal Pradesh mind map
Distinct Features
Named Nidirana noadihing
Morphological Traits
Robust body
Males 1.8 to 2.3 inches
Females 2.4 to 2.6 inches
Rounded snouts
Smooth skin
Bony protrusions on backs
Pale cream line
Bordered with dark brown
Light brown limbs
Dark stripes
Nestled within vegetation
In shallow pools
Male frogs emit loud calls
Found in marshy areas
Edges of newly constructed pond
Alongside nearby road
Naming the Species
Tribute to Noa-Dihing River
Significance of Discovery
First confirmation of Nidirana genus in India
Expands known habitat
Importance of exploring specialized habitats
Unique Vocalization and Characteristics
Oval toe tips
Tubercles on backs
Distinctive call
Irregular spots on eyelids
Dark stripes around moderately large eyes
Conservation Implications
Significance of exploration
Importance of marshlands
Unveiling hidden biodiversity

Gujarat Government Selected the Ghol as the State Fish

Gujarat Government Selected the Ghol as the State Fish mind map
Alternatives Considered
Ribbon fish
Bombay Duck
Economic Significance
High commercial importance
Considered a delicacy
Medicinal uses in some cultures
Market Presence
Exported as frozen fillet
Dried air bladder in high demand
Sought after in China, Hong Kong
Economic Impact on Fishermen
Lucrative market prices
Rs5,000 to Rs15,000 per kilogram
Dried air bladder most expensive component
A single fish can weigh up to 25 kilograms
Gujarat’s Fish Export Landscape
Total fish production 8.74 lakh tonnes
Valued at Rs 11,221 crore
2.3 lakh tonnes fish and fish products exported
Worth Rs 5,233 crore


JUICE Probe mind map
Setting the Stage with Critical Maneuvers
"Largest and most important manoeuvres"
43-minute burn
Consumed 10% of total fuel reserve
363 kilograms of fuel used
First-of-Its-Kind Flyby
Moon and Earth gravity assist
Initial burn achieved 95% of required velocity change
JUICE’s weight around 6000 kg
Challenges of Gravity Assist
Demands meticulous timing and direction alignment
Achieving slingshot effect
Navigating planet’s gravitational field
What Lies Ahead?
Second smaller maneuver planned
Fine-tune JUICE’s path
Smaller maneuver in May 2024
Final adjustments during approach to Earth
JUICE Mission Overview
Launched on April 14
To study Jupiter and its moons
Equipped with remote sensing, geophysical instruments
Significant observations expected after 2031

Rare Metal Tantalum

Rare Metal Tantalum mind map
Properties of Tantalum
Atomic Number 73
Grey, heavy, highly corrosion-resistant
Hardness and ductility
Corrosion resistance due to oxide layer
Immune to specific corrosive substances
Discovery and Name Origin
Discovered in 1802 by Anders Gustaf Ekenberg
Distinction confirmed in 1866 by Jean Charles Galissard de Marignac
Named after Greek mythological figure Tantalus
Uses of Tantalum
Tantalum capacitors in electronic devices
Substitute for Platinum
Industrial Applications
Chemical plants, nuclear power plants, aircraft, missiles, surgical equipment
Cutting-Edge Material
Tantalum carbide (TaC) and graphite used in machine tool cutting edges

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