[Newsbits] 1-2.02.2024: Geotagging, Filariasis, Corruption Perceptions Index & more

newsbits mindmap notes

/ Diseases
Filariasis in India mind map
Recent News
India's elimination goal
By 2027
National Filaria Control Programme
Since 1955
Mass Drug Administration (MDA)
Started in 1996-1997
Major public health issue
Caused by
Round, coiled, thread-like parasitic worms
Lymphatic Filariasis (LF)
Commonly known as Elephantiasis
Causing organisms
Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia malayi
Through mosquitoes
National Health Policy
Goal set in 2002
Extended to 2021
Global Alliance to Eliminate Lymphatic Filariasis
Formed in 2000
Drugs used
Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)
Endemic areas
Across 21 states, union territories
Major states affected
Uttar Pradesh, Odisha, Telangana, Bihar
Over 650 million at risk
In India
Significance in global context
More than 40% of worldwide cases
Mass drug administration
Vector control
Coverage in urban areas
Socio-economic impacts
Reducing disability
Preventing social, economic insecurity
Infection risk in childhood
Hidden damage to lymphatic system
Socio-economic conditions impact
Way Forward
Targeted strategies
For high-risk areas
Enhanced five-pronged strategy
For elimination

Filariasis in India is a significant public health issue, primarily caused by parasitic worms transmitted through mosquitoes. Efforts to eliminate this disease, commonly known as Elephantiasis, have been ongoing since 1955 with the National Filaria Control Programme. The Indian government aims to eliminate Lymphatic Filariasis by 2027, using strategies like mass drug administration and vector control. Major challenges include the disease’s prevalence in 21 states and territories and its socio-economic impact. The way forward involves targeted approaches in high-risk areas and an enhanced strategy for elimination.

Geotagging mind map
Recent News
MCD Extends Deadline
New Date: February 29, 2024
Previous Date: January 31, 2024
Reason: Technical Difficulties
Initial Announcement: December 7, 2023
Original Deadline: January 31, 2024
Extended Deadline: February 29, 2024
Create Property Tax Database
Implement Advanced Technology
For Whom
Property Owners in Delhi
Digital Mapping
Use of GIS
Assigning Coordinates
Download MCD Mobile App
Geotag at Property Location
Unique Property Identification
Code: UPIC
Delhi, India
Involved Parties
Municipal Corporation of Delhi
Delhi Mayor
Name: Shelly Oberoi
Property Owners
Affected Users
iPhone Users
Specific Issue: App Glitches
Geotagging Method
Using Mobile App
Linking to UPIC
At Property Location
Tax Rebate: 10%
Lumpsum Advance Payments
For FY 2024-2025
Technical Difficulties
App Issues for iPhone Users
Delay in Compliance
Way Forward
Resolving Technical Issues
Priority for MCD
Future Compliance
Target: 15 Lakh Properties
Timeframe: 2 Months

Geotagging in Delhi involves a recent initiative by the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) to create a comprehensive property tax database using advanced technology. The MCD extended the deadline for property owners to geotag their properties to February 29, 2024, due to technical difficulties, particularly for iPhone users. Property owners are required to use the MCD’s mobile app to geotag their property at its location, linking it to a unique property identification code (UPIC). This process, which uses digital mapping and GIS, aims to accurately identify properties and streamline tax collection. The initiative promises a 10% tax rebate for those who comply by the extended deadline, with a goal to geotag approximately 15 lakh properties within two months.

/ Youth
Digital Detox Initiative mind map
Recent News
Karnataka Launch
Focus on Gaming
Initiated in 2023
Address Digital Addiction
Promote Responsible Gaming
Awareness Programs
Public Education
Outreach Campaigns
Support Services
Digital Literacy
Community Involvement
Engaging Stakeholders
Collaborative Efforts
Indian Context
Technology Usage Trends
Gaming Community Focus
Statewide Implementation
Karnataka State Government
All India Game Developers Forum
Role and Contribution
Campaigns and Workshops
Collaboration with AIGDF
Policy Development
Combating Digital Addiction
Healthy Digital Habits
Improved Well-being
Digital Dependency Prevalence
Implementation Hurdles
Social Resistance
Way Forward
Expanding Scope
Policy Reinforcement
Long-term Sustainability

The ‘Digital Detox’ initiative in Karnataka, India, is a program designed to address the challenges posed by excessive technology and social media use, particularly in the gaming community. Launched by the state government in collaboration with the All India Game Developers Forum (AIGDF), this initiative aims to promote responsible gaming and digital practices. The program focuses on raising awareness, providing support services, and fostering community involvement to encourage healthier digital habits. This approach is part of a broader effort to mitigate the risks associated with digital addiction and enhance overall well-being by encouraging moderation in the digital realm.

/ Education
UGC guidelines for equal opportunities in higher education mind map
Recent News
Fitness of Colleges
for Receiving Grants Rules
Released in 2024
Ensure Equitable Opportunities
Grants Conditions
College and University
Recognized under Section 2(f)
NAAC or NBA Required
For 60% Eligible Programs
Institute Development Plan
Mandatory for Development Proposals
Financial Resources
Adequate Self-Funding
Fee Regulations
Prescribed by Authority
No Capitation/Unauthorized Fees
Staffing Norms
75% Teaching Posts Filled
Salary Standards
As per UGC/State Norms
Reservation Policy
Compliance Required
UGC Compliance
Adherence to Rules/Regulations
Grant Refund
If Not Utilized Properly
Applies to Indian Colleges
Colleges and Universities
Under UGC Act, 1956
Application Process
Submission of Certificates
Endorsed by University
Equitable Education Access
Quality Assurance
Implementation Complexity
Way Forward
Continuous Monitoring
Regular Updates

This mind map outlines the UGC’s 2024 guidelines for equal opportunities in higher education. It details the conditions under which colleges will receive grants, emphasizing accreditation, development planning, financial stability, fee regulation, staffing norms, salary standards, reservation policy adherence, and compliance with UGC regulations. The goal is to ensure equitable access to quality education in Indian colleges and universities. Challenges include the complexity of implementation, while future steps involve continuous monitoring and regular updates.

/ Banking, Indices/Reports
RBI Digital Payments Index mind map
Digital Payments Index
Composite Index
Measures Digitisation
Of Payments in India
Launched in 2021
Base Year 2018
Recent Values
March 2023
Value 395.57
September 2023
Value 418.77
Captures Extent
Of Digitisation
Across the Country
Five Parameters
Payment Enablers
Weight 25%
Payment Infrastructure
Demand-Side Factors
Weight 10%
Supply-Side Factors
Weight 15%
Payment Performance
Weight 45%
Consumer Centricity
Weight 5%
Growth Rate
Over 13%
Time Period
End of March 2023
Significant Uptick
From Previous Values
2022 Value 377.46
2023 Value 395.58
Adoption and Deepening
Of Digital Payments
Payment Infrastructure
Growth in India

The RBI Digital Payments Index (DPI) is a comprehensive measure developed by the Reserve Bank of India to assess the extent of digitalization in the payments sector across India. This index, introduced in 2021, uses March 2018 as its base year. As of September 2023, the DPI stood at 418.77, indicating a significant growth from its value of 395.57 in March 2023. The index comprises five key parameters: Payment Enablers (25% weight), Payment Infrastructure with both demand-side (10%) and supply-side factors (15%), Payment Performance (45%), and Consumer Centricity (5%). The year-on-year growth rate of over 13% by the end of March 2023 highlights the increasing adoption and deepening of digital payments in India, reflecting a significant enhancement in the country’s payment infrastructure​​​​.

In simple terms, the RBI Digital Payments Index is a tool used by the Reserve Bank of India to track and measure the growth and spread of digital payment systems in India. It shows how much people are using digital methods to make payments, and how this is growing over time. The index uses different factors like how easy it is to make digital payments, the availability of the necessary technology, how well the payment systems are working, and how customer-friendly they are. The rise in the index’s value over the years indicates that more and more people in India are switching to digital modes of payment.

/ Diseases
Cervical Cancer in India mind map
Recent News
Special Push in Budget 2024
India's First Indigenous HPV Vaccine
Serum Institute of India
₹4,000 for two doses
₹2,000 per dose
Early Vaccination Optimal
9 to 14 years
Prevention of Cervical Cancer
Early Stages
Often Asymptomatic
Advanced Stages
Unusual Vaginal Bleeding
Foul-smelling Discharge
Pelvic Pain
HPV Vaccines
Protects Against
HPV Types 16, 18
Protects Against
HPV Types 16, 18, 6, 11
₹3,957 per dose
Made in India
Screening Methods
Importance in Prevention
Treatment Services
Accessibility Issues
Urban and Rural India
Urban Trends
Breast Cancer More Common
Rural Trends
High Incidence of Cervical Cancer
Key Figures
Dr. Priya SP Patil
Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
Dr. Vigyan Mishra
Chief of Lab-Neuberg Diagnostics
Dr. Niti Raizada
Senior Director, Medical Oncology, Fortis Hospitals
Vaccination Programs
Government Initiatives
Budget Allocation
Public Health Centre Distribution
Preventable and Curable Disease
Potential for Cervical Cancer Elimination
Reduction in Other HPV-related Cancers
High Vaccine Costs
Accessibility in Rural Areas
Social and Economic Constraints
Way Forward
Achieve 90% Vaccination by 2030
Increase Public Awareness
Enhance Accessibility in Rural Areas

Cervical cancer in India is a critical health concern, currently receiving heightened attention due to the introduction of vaccination initiatives in the 2024 budget. The disease, once predominant among women, especially in rural areas, is now preventable and curable with early detection and vaccination. India has introduced its first indigenous HPV vaccine, Cervavac, developed by the Serum Institute of India. This quadrivalent vaccine is a proactive step towards reducing cervical cancer risk and is most effective when administered to young individuals between 9 to 14 years. Challenges remain in terms of vaccine accessibility and cost, particularly in rural areas. The government’s recent efforts aim to make the vaccine more accessible through public health centres, targeting a 90% vaccination rate by 2030. This approach not only addresses cervical cancer but also other HPV-related cancers, underscoring the significance of early intervention and widespread vaccination programs in India.

Corruption Perceptions Index 2023 mind map
January 30, 2024
Measure public sector corruption
Global comparison
Scoring System
0 (highly corrupt) to 100 (very clean)
Global Average Score
Remains at 43
Number of Countries
180 countries and territories
Conducted by
Transparency International
Data Sources
13 external sources
World Bank
World Economic Forum
Key Findings
Widespread Corruption
Most countries show little progress
Top 5 Countries
Denmark (90)
Finland (87)
New Zealand (85)
Norway (84)
Singapore (83)
Bottom 5 Countries
Somalia (11)
Venezuela (13)
Syria (13)
South Sudan (13)
Yemen (16)
Significant Changes since 2012
62 countries with changes
28 countries improved
34 countries declined
Regional Analysis
Western Europe & EU
Score drop to 65
Weakening political integrity
Sub-Saharan Africa
Lowest average at 33
Under pressure democracies
Eastern Europe & Central Asia
Systemic corruption
Rising authoritarianism
Middle East & North Africa
Political corruption
Ongoing conflict
Asia Pacific
Long-term stagnation
Judicial independence issues
Perceptions-based measurement
Complex nature of corruption
Way Forward
Stronger justice systems
Independent judiciaries
Effective law enforcement

The Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) 2023, released by Transparency International, is a global tool used to measure and compare public sector corruption in 180 countries and territories. Using a scoring scale from 0 (highly corrupt) to 100 (very clean), it reveals that the global average remains at 43, indicating pervasive corruption issues. The CPI 2023 highlights Denmark, Finland, and New Zealand as top performers, while countries like Somalia and Venezuela are at the bottom. The index underscores the importance of robust and independent justice systems in combating corruption and calls for global efforts to strengthen these institutions.

/ etc), Missiles, Submarines
Cochin Shipyard's Hybrid SOV mind map
Recent News
Contract with North Star Shipping
February 1, 2024
He Dreiht Offshore Wind Farm, Germany
Start of Charter
End of 2025
Focus on Sustainable Energy
Vessel Features
VARD 407
Propulsion System
Fully Electric Cycloidal
3 x 1300 ekW Diesel Generators
Large Lithium Battery Pack
Special Equipment
3D Motion Compensated Gangway
3D Crane
Capacity for 54 Technicians and Crew
High Standard Interiors
DNV Comfort Ratings
DNV 'Clean Design'
'Cyber Secure' Notations
Service, Maintenance
Operational Needs of Offshore Wind Industry
Operational Area
Offshore Wind Farms
Cochin Shipyard Limited (CSL)
Over 2 Decades in Shipbuilding
Delivered 50+ High-End Vessels Globally
North Star Shipping
Fleet Goals
40 Hybrid SOVs by 2040
Construction Process
Oversight by North Star’s On-Site Teams
SOV Cost
Approximately Rs. 500 Crores
Government Subsidy
Shipbuilding Financial Assistance Policy
Environmental Impact
Reduced Emissions
Sustainable Energy Solutions
Industry Impact
Strengthening CSL’s Global Footprint
Niche in Renewable Energy Segment
Way Forward
Ongoing Projects
Commissioning Service Operation Vessels (CSOVs)
Multi-Purpose Vessels for German Client
Long-Term Goals
Expansion in Renewable Energy Sector

The Cochin Shipyard Limited (CSL) has recently embarked on a significant venture by securing a contract to construct a hybrid-electric Service Operation Vessel (SOV) for North Star Shipping. This vessel, integral to the operations at the He Dreiht offshore wind farm in Germany, represents a major step towards sustainable and green energy solutions. Designed by VARD AS, Norway, the SOV features innovative technology like a fully electric cycloidal propulsion system, a 3D motion compensated gangway, and a significant focus on reducing emissions. Scheduled to start its charter by the end of 2025, the vessel is poised to not only bolster CSL’s reputation in shipbuilding but also contribute significantly to the global renewable energy sector. This project aligns with the increasing global emphasis on sustainable energy development, showcasing CSL’s commitment to environmentally conscious solutions in the maritime industry.

/ China
Hong Kong Article 23 mind map
Recent News
Hong Kong Leader's Push
For New Security Laws
30-Day Consultation Exercise
Began January 30, 2024
Legislative Council Discussion
Scheduled in 2024
Public Feedback Sought
Introduced January 30, 2024
Consultation Period
Four Weeks
National Security Threats
External and Internal
Need to Safeguard
Against Espionage, Treason
Definition of State Secrets
Economic, Scientific, Diplomatic Information
New Offences Proposed
Theft of State Secrets, Espionage
Sedition, Sabotage
External Interference
Existing Laws Amendment
Crimes Ordinance for Treason
Official Secrets Ordinance Update
Comparison with Other Nations' Laws
UK, US, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Singapore
Hong Kong, China
Hong Kong Chief Executive
John Lee Ka-chiu
Secretary for Justice
Paul Lam
Secretary for Security
Chris Tang
Consultation Exercise
Gathering Public Feedback
Legislative Framework
Safeguarding National Security Ordinance
Aims for Stable, Safe Environment
Addresses Gaps in Current Legislation
Concerns Over Human Rights
Previous Public Opposition in 2003
Way Forward
Enactment of Legislation
As Soon As Possible
Addressing Feedback from Consultation

Hong Kong’s Article 23 is a proposed security law aiming to tackle national security threats, both internal and external, through new and updated legal provisions. Initiated on January 30, 2024, with a four-week public consultation period, this legislation includes defining state secrets, creating new offences like theft of state secrets, espionage, sedition, sabotage, and external interference, and amending existing laws. Spearheaded by Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu, the law seeks to create a stable and safe environment in Hong Kong. While it addresses gaps in current legislation, concerns over human rights implications and public opposition similar to the failed attempt in 2003 are notable challenges.

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