Consider the following statements:

Statement-I: The soil in tropical rain forests is rich in nutrients. Statement-II: The high temperature and moisture of tropical rain forests cause dead organic matter in the soil…

Consider the following countries:

1. Bulgaria2. Czech Republic3. Hungary4. Latvia5. Lithuania6. RomaniaHow many of the above-mentioned countries share a land border with Ukraine?(a) Only two(b) Only three(c) Only four(d) Only five Explanation Ukraine shares a land…

Consider the following statements :

1. Recently, all the countries of the United Nations have adopted the first-ever compact for international migration, the ‘Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular…

Consider the following statements : 

Statement-I: India accounts for 3.2% of global export of goods.  Statement-II : Many local companies and some foreign companies operating in India have taken advantage of India’s…

Consider the following statements:

Statement-I : Recently, the United States of America (USA) and the European Union (EU) have launched the ‘Trade and Technology Council’.Statement-II :The USA and the EU claim…

Consider the following statements: 

Statement-I: Switzerland is one of the leading exporters of gold in terms of value.  Statement-II : Switzerland has the second largest gold reserves in the world. Which…

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