What are the persistent challenges in curbing ragging on college campuses, and how can educational institutions and regulatory authorities effectively address this issue? (250 words)

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Introduction: Ragging, a dehumanizing and often criminal practice on college campuses, continues to plague the educational system despite legislative efforts. Recent incidents, such as the tragic death in West Bengal’s Jadavpur University and the brutalization of a PSG College of Technology student in Tamil Nadu, highlight the urgent need for action.

Challenges in Curbing Ragging:

  1. Legislation and Regulations: Despite multiple laws and regulations prohibiting ragging, they often fail to effectively deter the practice.
  2. Traumatic Experiences: Freshers continue to endure traumatic experiences, including bullying, harassment, and even sexual abuse, at the hands of seniors.
  3. Vicious Cycle: The system allows a vicious cycle where victims become perpetrators in subsequent years.
  4. Inadequate Prevention: While some laws focus on prohibition, they lack effective preventive measures.
  5. Lack of Accountability: Institutions often fail to create a safe and encouraging environment, with little accountability for preventing ragging.
  6. Distance from Parents: Parents living away from campuses limit their involvement in addressing the issue.

Effective Solutions:

  1. Prevention over Prohibition: Legislation should prioritize prevention over prohibition to address the root causes of ragging.
  2. Institutional Responsibility: Educational institutions must take proactive steps to create a safe environment, with teachers and hostel wardens as the first point of contact for victims.
  3. Regulatory Authorities: Regulatory bodies should ensure ragging-free campuses, enhancing academic standards in institutions.
  4. Government Involvement: Governments should earnestly implement regulations to make campuses safer for students.

Conclusion: The persistence of ragging on college campuses remains a grave concern. Addressing this issue requires a shift towards prevention, greater accountability, and active involvement of educational institutions, regulatory authorities, and governments. Only through concerted efforts can we hope to put an end to this harrowing practice.

Learn more:

  • The R.K. Raghavan Committee’s 2007 report: on the causes and remedies for ragging.
  • The University Grants Commission (UGC) Committee 1999: recommendations on “Prohibition, Prevention, and Punishment” for ragging.

Reference: Unending ordeal: The Hindu Editorial on continuing acts of ragging

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